DIY trends
Small is the new big
Atomization of content and objects and platforms

for a large class of problems – dont need a web dev – pull it together off the shelf
home depot concept – dont need a contractor
for a lot of problems you can solve yourself

bake this deeply into the core of your web apps
apps becoming platforms – getitng off the site – security to liability to scalability

DIY era

things like blogs and wiki give us a channel on the web
self expression highly social

Ease of consuption a big piece of it

still making fairly hard to do something useful
ease of use and consumption

sometimes a javascript or flash plugin

WPF/E – shipping with vista and capable

more than flash

atomizing diff ways

dont have standard terminology

do have directories – being solved quicckly now

open platforms not standalone apps

deeply expressing the platform

implications for product quality
spreading your product beyond the vendors you site
APIs – app prog interfaces – nonvisual part of widgets and badges – need programmers to use

End user friendly – the next step

you will atomize and build on top of others

google maps most popular ajax widgets – compelling
spent 10s of millions dev and improving

building on the shoulders of giants

need to be bringing best of breed from others


SL uses Amazon S3

to be competitive

self help to deploy now

Wdigets – on the web in ajax or flash
Badges – displays of content pulled under cover of other sites
Gadgets – more formal widget models from google and MS

bring in diff widgets and feeds to do things
surreounded with content and cross-relate
create mashups

counter terrorism and disaster management – create a blog for each disaster with widgets for sal displays, info, calls into disaster center – will report on what is going on
where to go and look

natural platform
bring in other views and feeds

exploit SOAs and aggregate the functionality

not just content – functionality aggregation

send email to get the slides for the widget talk

copy and paste is key aspect

single line javascript includes
object/embed tags in flash

connect to undelying sites to provide value
have business model baked deeply
driving traffic, content consumption, advertising

Widget Business Model

WHat makes widgets powerful

functional and content PORTABLE

users do the work to broaden their distribution
supply mashups and hosting

make it a foundation of others success

forming real business relationships

good widgets hard to find – not seeing as much as youcould

widgets take a long time
simple apps – readers, plan vaca this way
use myspace quite a bit

developers and pro sumers – build web apps themselves

widgets may gen more traffic for you but hard to say

google gadgets for web pages
provide functionality directly
good resource

Microsoft Live Gallery
MS major web2.0 plays
roaming on the web for apps and data
desktop and web gadgets

sense that shows what is taking place
diff categories

Myspace widgets
lists of widgets can be widgets

Recent Stories
YouTube video badge
highly viral
what web2.0 tools work – radically simple
1 button, 1 field to edit – eminently obvious – viral aspect should be as obvious

use web as a content billboard

never be as big as the web

dont take users intelligence for granted

google adwords widget – most successful in internet history
drives majority of googles ad rev

80% of goog rev comes from advertising
80% of ad comes from displays of their ad widget

99% of ads displayed on their ad network

understanding motivation to offer to users
will cut in for piece of the action
piece there resp for helping google become co with lgst market cap in history

big thing

treating the web like older platforms – rules are all different

leveraging the strengths of networks – if you have something great it will spread

army of millions to spread your products

amazon looking at api space
amazon built their own platform for themselves and used it once – then opened and got 50k other business to work with it

will you leave the majority of the value of your online and services untapped

you can build with yahoo just by cutting and pasting

APIs? if you need the visual component of it

Amazon – lgst based on API sales

Posted in: Web2.0.
Last Modified: April 17, 2007

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