- @sawickipedia you are a tease 🙂 #
- @chrisbrogan marketers: listen more, authentic isn’t an angle, tell more stories, speak like a person, their brand is on my terms not theirs #
- @chrisabraham – remember The Simpsons episode – don’t eat Fugu at a restaurant that has a map to the hospital on the back of the menu #
- my old buddy Mark Nathanson’s band Drunks Dont Lie are playing at the Middle East this Saturday – http://www.myspace.com/drunksdontlie #
- @jmoonah – saw a PicLens using Seesmic at PodCampBoston #pcb3 – very cool #
- go get ’em @ccarfi – nice correction #
- last week – VRM summit, dinner with Pip Coburn & some amazing folks, PodcampBoston3, Old Media vs. New Media Dinner… exhausted #
- @sukifuller – thanks for adding me – great meeting you at podcampboston3 – #pcb3 #
- @ccarfi – Dark Knight vs. Dr Horrible? #
- @AnnKingman – thanks for the add #
- “A lot of guys ignore the laugh… and that’s about standards.” #
- @tibbon – PicLens combined with Seesmic is _very_ cool… @tiil showed us this AM at #pcb3 #
- where are the decks from podcampboston 3? #pcb3 #
- watching Mystery! on PBS – the only weakness my archenemies could use against me 🙂 #
- @SukiFuller & @chrisbrogan – also want more time… not every conf does it to me… some worse than others – #pcb3 was awesome #
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