Again, dear readers, please accept my apologies for the multiple posts for the MS discussion – wifi was spotty, there was a lot and I didnt want a page that was 25 screens long
Comments from the crowd:
Marc Canter – more than one feed in a page?
MS – Yes there will be a way to nail it. Devs need to do a lot before they get to the cool stuff
Subscribe – blogs and news
Subscribe – podcasting
take all the stuff – content delivery
feeds of content
audio, music, photos, video, – calendar – any kind of file type
Microsoft’s overall message is ALL CONTENT CAN BE SYNDICATED.
great stuff is gonna happen
2 examples – 1 calendaring, one photos
Subscribe to a calendar item at a conf (tons of comments re: hcal and vcal…)
enclosures are powerful, and this is about all media types
(side by side calendars) – in outlook now
pull up gnomdex cal (from the website)
create rss feed for calendar with each slot (appointment) an rss element
publisher (gnomedex) creates feed
synch engine downloads the feed as enclosure
ics files and populates it into outlook
create a folder for the feed, promotes ics files as attachements for the cal
cal files will travel thru and put it in outlook – something changes? PRESTO
ical comments from the crowd
every app in MS’s longhorn will be rss enabled
apps should understand it naturally, part of their dna
definitely promotes the idea of aggregatoreverywhere