Deb Schultz and Anil Dash

Philosophy of evangelism
what is community evangelism
Key concepts
Human tools and tech tools
technical know-how
case studies
WHat can you do with a Book? (AD)
concept that informs a lot of what he sees personally
talk to young people – what can they do with a book – read it, notes, cover it, burn it
dont quickly get to the idea they can write a book
dramatic change for them – they have control over somethign they interact with every day
profound disctinction re the web – the web is something they can manipulate, creat and control
Want to start a podcast, reach a large audience
ton of times reading books or school – but none on the web
diff is the potential of evan
what they can do with the mediaum
2 ideas to review – Persistance and Awareness
fundamental enablers
make the rest o what we do powerful
how many use print or DM?
small number
some actually still cold call caustomers
how do we shift from old school to new school – thru persistance and awareness
obvious in retrospect
media is totally disposabel – degrade automatically – can be lost forever
business comm – a lot that we send comm in a way that says “this is disposable” –
we dont have to settle for that – great comm can be made that we want to keep – meaningful enuff that we want to keep over time
Visits to the Long Tail
from the last month
61% from last month, 27% older than 1 month, 12% older than one month from search
how much of our commm is around newness, and immediacy – we are ignoring almost 1/2 that conv
people are sending links, passing them on, referring to the later
lots of comm going on that is persistant over time – valuable for the long run.
see a lot of cisitors to older content on a blog that is about writing a book (aritfact on a shelf for the rest of your life
blog is persistant over time
social tension arising from use using email and IM over time
emo we need something to hold on to
ikea is a maze – cant get out without buying something
not how the web works
exp of going thru store where they are controlling everywhere you go and everything you see
profound thing – not having a maze
Permalinks and date stamp – see them forever
what was missing from those company websites designed to be ikea store
in all of social media there is a social contract – date stamp promises there will be more updates
because no ones name was attached they were free to make something that didnt have value – namestamp is a confirmation of value
wikipedia – edit link – we trust you to be part of the editing – think about what a leap or promise that is
i have the right to be on the page – think of the risk and opp they are taking wiht that – social expectations being set – I WILL STAY IN TOUCH
Intentions of maintainging relationships
want to talk to someone other than asking for money
we dont stay in touch –
how do we turn the promise to stay in touch where we actually do stay in touch
fulfilling that promise to stay in touch
at the bottom line – what matters
the reason we can trat them as disposable – they are
if we promise and we do so the bar is raised – we can only stay in touch if we add value – no value less attention is paid
kids can watch a movie over and over
resonance there that doesnt happen with web and web20 tech
1/3 of the books he moved he never read
intention of emotional connection
books and movies about meaning ful things we have that ARENT people
can comm using web2.0 that is meaningful and resonant as the best media we consume
as meaningful and the best movie you have ever seen
making something lasting, meaningful and persistant
not to say it will be in the same way – but will be able to comm and treat with the respect appropriate to that comm (friends getting engaged announced with txt)
treating phys objects as disposable – they dont have to be – they can be valuable
how meaningful a relationship you can have with non-competitors
crux of info overload problem
one key resp as evangelist is to nav sea of info to find what has value and what needs to be trashed
“I NEED MORE EMAIL” – no one says that
awareness not about alert messages – prone to being misused
thoughtless – not appropriate – hurts attention – worse than spam –
junkmail can be deleted – mental expense of people being unintentionally being thoughtless because tools allow it, enable – rude by accident – tools encourage us to do that
offer forgiveness for myself and all of us
dont have to be rude
what inspired us – what do people love and covet – ipod, tivo, wii
why these tools were diff than fax machine in office space
same fols working on them
should be similar
diff b/c they offer you control
tv commercials – loud, obnoxious, annouting
good tv now
tivo – not beholden to schedules or commercials – control
ipod – control instead of radio station
wii – 1 button , move it around – visceral powerful levels of control –
how do we trans to web experiences?
Feeds about control – choosing where and when you get info
subscribe, get info – on your terms, on your time
some of the best tools for feed look like tivo, ipod and wii
seeing there is a convergence towards software and web tech and phys devices enabling control
persistanc e- val over time
awareness – connection without being rude
Persistance + awareness = a relationship
relationship doesnt fit into columns
assign metrics and measurement about evangelism
goal of evangelism – maintain a relationship on the web
using web2.0 to build relationships
Customeer advocate
listener and educator
world of control – corp has lost a huge amount of control – they can make a huge difference
role of evangelist can bring individuals and community along
Amongst the people – being a native as well as on the road
increaing numbers of ethnographers and anthropologists getitng into tech
everyone here will be talkign about users as if they are the other – we are different from them – we are different – we need to get inside the world of people who dont care and dont use all day every day
learn from it and respect it – there is a diff culture out there and be part of it and bring use to it
evangelist is not sales or marketing role – human face of the company – 3d embodiyment
online and offline – cross functional – not just role of the marketer – not solely a markeitng role
that individual has to have and feel comfortable and empowered across the company – HR, Marketing, corporate, CS
Internal as well as external – need to be able to interface with marketing and CS
not just outsiders –
foil for the company or a critic – say things your CEO doesnt want to hear
externally facing – biggest fan | internally biggest critic
“gone native” – off there on the other side – living in a middle of a bridge between the two
human skills
Catalyst (Starfish and the spider – decentralized awareness persistant landscape)
Partial Geek
Driven by relationships
catalyst connector role – need to connect and forge relationships
perceived egotistical evangelist isnt bad
working and thinking on the feet alot
pushing pushing
interesting balance – element to succeeding where good evangelists become as well known in the brands they are worknig with as their communities – is it for you or the company/product
if aligned to these values it is clear to what you are in service of
interesting tension to be explored –
conquistadors thought they were evangelists (ended up destroying the civ they visited – DeSoto)
geek vs partial geek – translating and human skills – you end up treading more lightly – very instructuve to think of the conversation and interactions
bringing your cult to the world that isnt read yet – evolution, interation and change
important – like porn – in it for their ego or corp ego – you know it when you see it
before you start an evangelism program – make sure you are aligned with where the company is
ask the tough questions up front
already dozens of bloggers around MS
that kind of face
transparency – len hasnt gotten a lot of credit for being a catalyst behind that – a lot of clarity around the bigger goal
Sometimes transactions dont matter
there is an exchange going on – its ok to admit that – but need to find respect
Key Concepts
Democratization of tools and access
The Live Web
Amateur culture
Increased individual influence
COntrol is out of control
let the seller beware
people are the message
Blogging and the role of marketing – now we can jump into the conversation
human face – corp blogs and ceo blogs – connector and curator
kind of person that can jump in – people are the message – markets and conversations of the cluetrain
they are paying you – respect and listen to them – relationships take work – take time, take effort – in it for the long haul
ANil hates the title
no better work yet
overtly religious analogy going on – look at people who practice and the ones most effective are not evangelists – they are witnesses – live the life you want others to experience
for those evangelizing – goal has to be to live the benefits – if we participate we will gain from it
the role of witnessing – diversion but important point – pounding the podium doesnt work
ideas to cover before break – using web2 to build relationships
1 be where your audience is – mentally and physicall – in the communities online – sometimes in the ugly parts of the web – hard time justifying you are working if that site is in your browser – translating into biz req will save time and trouble later
clean polished parts of the web not where the edge is
someone driven by other motivations will not spend time being detective
not into challenge
no its not
2. Offer something of value – not bribery – info is most valuable (inc connection), validation
a response saying I read what you said (no qual, not agreeing) – saying “I am with this company and are responsing to what you said – goes a long way – validation is huge
things you take for granted – is valuable
3. Use WHat You Got
decision making process of one initiative – put it out there for debat – means the world to those using the product or considering a purchase
share that part of the conversation “oh, you actually put thought into this”
dont have insight or respect of it
can get lost in transparency and authenticity
baby steps to talking in a different tone
not that difficult a transition to make
If youdidnt get your badge this AM – tables at bottom of escalator