Cool –

Just caught a presentation from Doug Kaye (IT Conversations, Conversations Network) at Podcast Hotel about a new program he has announced called They are looking to create a community of stringers to capture, organize and share video and audio conversations (town hall meetings, club meetings, small conferences, speeches, interviews, etc.).

They are working with: for an events database and give event organizers the option to request stringers to attend and record the event, OurMedia will handle the organization and serving of the content
Internet Archive will handle the hosting

The idea is that stringers sign up for the program and list their location and what they do (audio, video). Event organizers tag their events. PodCorps acts as a dating service putting the two together.

They want to grow their stringer base first. They want to have the network in place before they can start setting up events with people. Chicken and Egg – they need stringers to attract events, and events to attract stringers.

here is the url:

Web2.0 – Licensing UGS – Von Lohmann

Ocean of Copyright uncertainty

Standing on the shoulders of angry giants

Copyright risks
Statutory Damages
$750-150k damages

Personal Liability
for officers, directors, investors
no reliable shield against liability
everyone knows napster lawsuit
lawsuit contiued until a few months ago long since Napster went under
startups say “we will incorporate as LLC – if we lose we move on” – NOT THAT SIMPLA


Good News
4 islands of certainty (Safe Harbors)
DMCA Safe Harbor
17 U.S.C. 512
Eliminates Money Damages
Limits Injunctions

-Take monetary damages off table
limit damages to company

court can tell you to takedown or terminate bad users
incred incentive for companies in the online space to qualify for safe harbors

512(a): “Conduit” Island
If an ISP – just providing connectivity – you wont be resp if users use your pipes to infringe
Every ISP relies on this
All who provide pipes and the ping – all depend on 512(a) COnduit Island

512(b) Caching Safe Harbor
for AOL caching activities circa 1997
walled network (the way AOL was)
do local caching for internal network users
works only in model where users req content first
doesnt do any good for akamai of the world
becomes island where nothing grows

512(d) Seach Engine Island
Information location tools
infirnging website – and search engine finds it – SE may be resp for infringements – WRONG
in these circumstances (with rules) SE wont be held responsible
protects the act of linking in these contexts
in 1997 or 98 Yahoo was directory, not spidering/search co
providing a directory of links

512 (c)
Hosting Exception
if you were resp for hosting – couldnt be resp for every user and every page
need protection
number of hosting co’s got that protection in 1998
since exception has grown with progress of internet overall
Ebay has succeeded in invoking this exception

Dont have to be on the islands – but more uncertain (Bittorrent)
no surprise when you look at internet companies – all that have clustered right on these islands of uncertainty

Web Hosting and Search Safe Harbors
What happens when you combine both? _ Ebay – pioneer in using the law to cover new services not accounted for when the law was written
Ebay – host and provide search, dont actually post

nowadays – unlimited co’s that provide one or both features

Blogs (Blogger)
Music Lockering (MPRtunes)
Playlist SHaring (Avvenu)
Photo SHaring (Flickr)
Video SHaring (YouTUbe)
File Hosting (Pando)
COmbos (MOG, Etc.)

How do you avoid being held responsible? This is how
most web2.0 cos have built on these legal exceptions

How close to the waterline
if webhost or search engine – high dry ground
you are protected
a lot of other businesses – not a lot of clear cases
Myspace and YouTube – placing a bet they are on dry enough land they can avoid being sued

3. Basic features you need to do – to be on island of safety
hire a lawyer for the details

ask yourself – when you look at new businesses – see if you recognize features
1. Register a copyright agent – form + $80 check to copyright office
if you dont do this – failing to do it jeopardizes your existanc eon the island
list of companies – every reg form they have ever received
who is on or not on list is interesting
fun to see handwritten notes

2. Notice and Takedown
certainly in post YouTube world – Viacom delivering
if copyright owner complains – that piece, song, photo, belongs to me
resp to take stuff down and promptly if you want to stay on the island
rules copyright owners have to follow when they send a notice – must be specific
cant say “make sure no copy of xxx ever appears on your website
must provide specific url, actual description, number of formalities
3. Infringer Termination Policy
if you get a lot of complaints about a user (like 2 complaints) – law req you have in place and implement a policy for terminating infringers
ToS should have a termination policy

How to Stay on the island
2 ways to lose protection
esp. in Viacom/GooTube (if it even moves forward)
will continue ot come up
1. Red Flag Knowledge – if you know it is going on and dont do anything about it – you will lose safe harbor
2. If you are aware of facts and circumstances that would have been obvious – you are out
what does that mean ? Who knows
Needs clarity
YouTube argues you need to tell, with specificity – where it is going on – need takedown notice
Trouble – if employees spend a lot of time on the website and you fail to do anything about it
What did you and your employees know?
More intimate knowledge – the more risk is created
More editorial, more categorization – dont want to feature something that is obviously infiringing

2nd Way – direct financial benefit from something that was infringing that you could have controlled
More content, more eyeballs, more money
YouTube best example
No ads on the actual video pages of YouTube themselves – some protection
User Generated and Uploaded – you will see ads everywhere else
effort to make clear they are not directly benefitting from infringing videos
have to control the infringement

Really basic architecture issues
need to get a lawyer sooner rather than later

First Half DONE – How do you avoide having to get licenses for every single thing your users are uploading
make sure you are doing the things to qual for those exemptions
can do everything right and still be sued


focus and highlight flickr
a model for participation
upload and host photos
and get photos to use for other purposes
been turned into great free stock photo site
get out of the biz of stock photography – flickr will eat that business alive in short time

how does flickr do it

Creative COmmons Licenses
Do a tremendous job
support creative options
CC Licenses –
Att -No Derivs (use but cant change)
Att – No Derivs Not Commercial
Att – Non COmmercial
Att Non COmmercial – Share Alike
Att – Share ALike

Share Alike – use it but make any deriv work available

CC works – content curators web page
directory of people already doing this

Podsafe music network
hassle to get good music for podcasts
Flickr – huge repository for images
Search Funct for yahoo and google and plip
meta tagging standards
search facilitating tech to make it easy

How flickr attracts users to the website
make users interested in reusers and remixers
how to get creators and photogs to use CC
make the licensed materials findable, useful, simple

Category in Flickr Adv Search – is CC licensed photos
can drill down to modify and other criteria w/in CC
if you can find 21k photos of Rain, all for free with attribution, or on TV or website – that will make it hard for folks to charge for it in the future –
will also attract new users to flickr
not just photos for the buddies – also great alt for stock photography
creating new business opportunities as well
Flickr – can always send a message to user – saying you love a photo – auth for non-commerical use – would like to pay – would that be OK
once you attract new set of users they will find other uses for your services
nice job integrating for the re-users of the world
collects all CC categorites and allows you to browse based on combination

Vast majority of users not licensed under CC
Flickr does many things in interface for creators to opt for CC
need to explain licenses, use defaults intelligently, do it in batches

Web2.0 – RSS and Syndication Tech – Niall Kennedy

Syndication technologies

Mostly ATOM – some RSS

will post to his blog

who is he

pushing data

Archi on windows live platfomr

new search tech and social media space

build better content online
3 things
Intermediate level

great to use feeds – popular consumer endpoints
button inside browser chrome
option in NYTimes to check fresh daily
avail by section

browser is a gateway
news, data, sites
desktop – outlook 2007 – feeds built in

stay on top of info flows every day

every time you access gmail – button shows up
latest messages and subjects – authenticated – build a toolbar – pull in and do notifier
all the ways to do standardized format
CIA and NSA talked to each other – shared intel
e-govt initiative
taking data flows – from ops to people they are following – how do you follow the latest
e-govt initiatives

stat tools – measure map – update on traffic

TiVo – companies are unable to build all the content you want – choose 100 channels – video feed – putin the same now playin list – can take high def and put on tivo or apple tv
alt content

html page with alt content
link alts can expose that data

formats – website in formats and let them discover
alt feed content
all brpwsers

Search engine discoverability
coorelate with feeds
multiple choices exposed
subscribe to summary feed – or cat on youtube – mult choices and engage mult places


neded these standards to come together

Dec 2005 – ATOM publsihed
2 years in making
web content and media syndication
should ? must? requirement?
interop for data formats and feeds
opening up new meth of data transport
XML namespace – feeds most popular form

When Updated


each feed has multiple entries
entry has required and optional elements
storys or feed should have author

Summary and Content
display not full content
if you output web feeds do you lose traffic?
point to final url – full or abstract – text or html

NYT sunday magazine
what does it all mean
entry title
entry author
pub date
link enclosure (like attachment)
related links

Standalone browser render environment
isolated web page
relative link – means nothing to a feed in the aggregator – images wont display
rendering ind. browser environment
same with links
use inline CSS
no javascript, no plugins
some readers will strip content before it is stored
anything that can hurt them is stored
depends on how you render

User interaction varies – myYahoo – pulls in things they know are feeds – updates, feeds then jump into more feeds

take tag URIs, take domain and take article IDs – or use URLs

published when initially released – updates when add or edited
as you update that – layer on updated time to the post
tells agg something changed in this article
something significant changed
determines new content instead of old

who are you?
author or contributor – one author per story

spammers index feeds

why include an email? direct response/feedback

site your source – imp for rep and who are you
give credit
really like a story? subscribe as reading to the entire feed
showing the stories on NYTimes – show me only this section

specific itunes ways

pdfs synducated into itunes

avoid confusion of tongues problems

creaing something where another space is already available
popular parsing libraries

publishing and creating own namespace – create a parser
make sure the data isnt lost
something not understood – all indexable
feed validators

wc3 is more of a stable validator – no intricacies

Secure Feeds
keeping track of current projects
dont want it searchable
not in bloglines or google feed search
flickr scrambles url – at user and photo level
when feed agg sees HTTPS – looks private
agg devs dont pay attention to cache control
daring fireball – membership for full feed ($20 a year) – paypal ID – auto username and password
pub house could do it for current subscribers
gmail – authenticated experiences

possible to est jabber clients whihc connect and send incremental updates via AIM – extra payload
push out to app
good way to push to lots and lots of clients

Atom vs rss2.0.1
producing media files – atom not ready yet
all looking at enclosures and rss
adoption across the board
atomtrickle down will happen
web hasnt moved to xhtml 1.0 strict

atom engagement format 1 of 3
pub protocal
Atom has more standardization – more work done, more predictable behavior
a roaming team of enforcers it is parsing right
parsing libs also output

frameworks have standardized ways

object level

quick and easy way to do it

client support for atom from phones to desktop clients

still an issue for podcatchers

enclosure element in rss 2

alot of academic work around semantic web
atom and rss 2 most pop and widely adopted
FOAF and social networks via rdf – we have moved on
rss1 camp into atom

ATOM allows per entry copyright
define within atom
all rights belong to oreilly
pub houses – list mult contribs

Building awesome websites and services using the power of happy users – Panel

ted rheingold
dogster and catster

no more shrinkwrap software
have changes live within a day
customers know it – you know it


Josh Schacter
founder of Del.ici.ous – Yahoo, dir of engineering

Biz Stone – founder of Obvious Corp (twitter) – odeo, blogger, xanga

Stewart Butterfield – founder of flickr, ludicorp

roles that customers can play in dev of software
beta testing
software dev with apis
graphic and creative design
writing and uploading and submitting content – participatory web
product roadmap
where to go – what do you want
customer service
talent pools
vounteers, guardians, evangelists
USers want to help and make it better

why do they want to do this? how to get them started

How do you know customers want to be inv. – how do you let them know? community or prod first? chicken and egg

BS – need product first, how do you let cust know you are available – has phone number on contact us page – wont scale but really works
always out there – reading and commenting – emailing, have a prod and excited – the enthusiasm – they cansee it and get in touch

JS – second version of single user system
wanted it for himself
useful to him
wrote it – was the first customer as well
people started showing – not just a product, but the prod was the marketing
useful – connect to other places and systems

SB – no predetermined plan to list users in feedback loops – think that the way the team wanted to operate
building ways to let users part.
flickr has open forum
craigslist is bigger ex
a lot of big websites get too big to have some open space for people to comm stuff
what would it be like if amazon did

big obsessions at flickr – how do we keep same level of interaction and openness and keep scaling

some people wont shut up if they care

venue to tell AT&T what you think of their service… ha ha

must be places for people to talk about amazon

ebay has a number of place

bustling communities around

JS – when peopel say something in public they are afraid other cust will see it – need to deal more quickly – transparency

no forums on delicious – mailing list and blog

partially for design considerations

TR – will people use the service? will they use it if i made the API first
early on you need to decide – work or not? – people say lots of feedback is the key indicator it weall work?

JS – cant build without being in constant connect with the user
a lot of the direction is guided by what do I want
how do I use as a product

still has incoming email copied to bberry

BS – feedback reinforces what you do

TR – no users helped him write it – werent that geeky but were willin to help with beta and finding spelling areas and other features

JS – why you have the APIs – build the features you think are great but cant prioritize
lot of things wouldnt make his list
APIs let those capable try it out and you can seeit and sometimes work better than you could expect

TR – what motivates people to contribute
increasing and working on bottom line
what motivates them?

SB – recognition and acknowledgement – beliefs, and aesthetic, they have them
people who write and on some topic – getting some reco back is always key
getitng comments back – to favorites
social activity – the bigges tthing overall – ops at different levels

use API, cool idea, make it public, others see it – validate

people dev off thr flickr api can be compensated

what else motivates peopple – others helpful and ernest – spend their own time helping for helpings sake – not about gold star ack

BS – doing it for val of co. – disappointed – why arent you paying me for this
comes down for social interaction

dogster and catster – nothing like it on the planet

TR – do you feel beholden to the users? let them down or make company or biz decisions that include what they have done for you

JS – pos value for you, the users? must eval each step
many times had to watch the right thing to do for each
would like to have all the data there
old days – nice to be free and open but then there is reality (scraping and crashing servers)
Delicious between pubs and users
seen delicious button on newspapers – pubs want to presupply tags – makes it harder for users to remember stuff but makes for better prod serv for the user
aggregate behavior is better for all – hard to tell users you are doing something they dont want if it is better in the aggregate

SB – people like to contribute

when considering an acq before it happened – the acq companies respect for the users and the place they hold for the users

SB – corp development – sometimes strat, sometimes just M&A – couple of diff groups interested in flickr – search, photos
no one wanted to screw it up
badass former banker didnt want it screwed up “you have 200k users – possibly the most important 200k on the internet”

sometuimes there is a concern from Yahoo that goes beyond callous approach

BS – blogger getting acq by google – stepped up comm with users
was there concern beforehand that wouldnt be the case?

small team – workign hard – even afterwards a struggle to switch over
allowing him to join team opened dialog
knew why features were coming and when
meant a lot to the users – to help them

Kaliya – who are you when you show up and who are you when things change

flickr cutover highlited – engineers and companies saw registration and authent as authent – and people see it as identity

ID is tied to authentication

in deliciious your login is your ID (bad design decision from a number of standpoints – way off in the future

TR – do you have cust part of a special group to go to ?

JS – yahoo group where people sign up and they talk to them – will toss out stuff, ideas, very user facing – try to get diff viewpoints
pretty helpful

active when he was runngn things alone

couple people good thermometers
some who use flickr as utility – will use as blogs – serious amateurs or hobbyist photogs
def certain people to go to
common pattern where people sign up and add a photo or two and dont come back for months
some learn to love it – where the bumps are on that path – take analytic approaches for state of users, 2x week or once every 3 months
really really hard

listening solely to the people who love it

weird or confusing – flickr terminology
ones who are willing to speak already love it

BS – do the analytics too
do a friends of twitter group – who can release a halfbaked feature on for feedback
have an non trad feedback loop

TR – early on would you release half baked b/c you had so few users or was it always bulletproof from the get-go

JS – do it, feel the effects quickly – 3 releases a week – to push every fix – more on scalabilty side than UI side – new UI will be very painful
originally – code on the live site

difficult to make change in dir – everything we do we do very fast – must make it go fast – could be a couple of weeks for db or hardware
becomes difficult to maintain pace of iteration and scale at the same time
in Yahoo – there is res for QA and stuff – do test before they go out the door
difficult to get coverage and stuff

BS – when he said half baked – meant really 1/2 baked. the stuff is always breaking – this blogger is labs

still does 1/2 baked stuff – launched 3 yrs ago – nothing in common with flickr today
very very rapid interation
partly 1/2 b/c new cat features – ABC – super urgent priorities – huge queue of stuff
fastest turnaround – 2 yrs ago
screwed up childhood – doesnt adjust well to change – put it back – heard a hundred times now

reacing out to users – all at blogger – on their chatting with caterina

interaction pays off

social feedback to become a user – early on caterina and other founders welcomed everyone – each you could get over a threshold is someone who could be pushed further

people who signed in first foour months – when all new everyone else – 90% were still around

BS – when using blogger and pyra
setup and started using it
Ev linked to it – people really linked to it
turned xanga into a weblogging community
reading twittershuge influence on him

TR – do all expect no matter how big will keep involved with comm with customers?

BS – if you love your job, yes

API alleviate a great deal
delivious not about the code but the scale

not hard to build features but make it go fdast – what is the way to do this thing fast
alot of the way was doing things in mysql well – stuff people ask for – not that they cant do it – things that are in their lexicon or expect -can we sort things alpha – we provide way to do it – need to help them use it
people ask for stars – why bookmark something that is only one star
ask for things they expect – even though it works fine without them
have to force or cram down the engineers throats – letting people hack and add lots of stuff could be weakness and not strenghts
soemtimes see stuff that is way better – can i use this? sure.
way to explore territory in feature space that lets you avoid some exploratory groping that doesnt work out
people ask for stuff – have prob, dont know solution, but ask for somethign weird or nearby
cant verbalize what they really meant
pretty sure flickr and twitter is simple
succeed by getting users to the door – which things to add and not add
about scale – number 1 req on agg data – what are the most bookmarked sites
1. – not surprising
2 – someoen will try to get on that list

not missing b/c they dont wan tthem to do it, but dont want to reinforce bad behavior

BS – twitter fan wiki
twitter- purposefully simple
APIs – seen a lot of activity – if new to API, easy to build
twitter fan wiki – people who like twitter – org cool api projects
get ideas, contact people
having them build those things helps immensely
not on them to help
keep our core service running and point them

question – how did you spread word early?

JS – delicious could post to blogs
found rss is hugely useful API and marketing way to continue to give someone a way to be updated – anything that can does use rss
1/2 of traffic is RSS

BS – 1/2 of traffic is api

SB – a platform is easy to get with photos
easy to get in and outhost from flickr to the blog
doesnt know the current ratio outside flickr – over 1 bil served/day massive source of traffic

TR – Hiring expensive – do you hire from your communtiy?

SB – hired many from the community
tech support specialist qa guy – looked at the forum and found someone good
preference is to always hire from within the community
engineering team – higher than avg sensitivity to good software design and usability
attuned to the needs of the community

BS – everyone hired has been a user
hasnt seen them as a superuser
all be users – def red flag if they never signed up
10 or 20 hr project first to see if they like them

JS – consult for a month and if we like we will hire you
one guy write a book on delicious before he was hired

first job was changing the api so his book was no longer correct

BS – hired at blogger because he was a user

Question – at what point do you ask – should i be exposing the future plan/roadmap?

JS – doesnt think that far in advance
a lot is how he feels about feature – is excited, will fit, easy to do, least implementation, lazy
struggle with scale and # of transactions
firefox extension who hit sys every few seconds
stuff like yahoos expertise cam in handy
all about what scales
more about working towards each diff thing
features easy once you have the underlying technology
tries to be communicative
will tell why things wont happen
1 emails a day saying how people shoudld vote on how others get to use tags
difficult to reply to – against wha tthey are trying to do

Web2.0 – Badges and Widgets – Hinchcliffe

DIY trends
Small is the new big
Atomization of content and objects and platforms

for a large class of problems – dont need a web dev – pull it together off the shelf
home depot concept – dont need a contractor
for a lot of problems you can solve yourself

bake this deeply into the core of your web apps
apps becoming platforms – getitng off the site – security to liability to scalability

DIY era

things like blogs and wiki give us a channel on the web
self expression highly social

Ease of consuption a big piece of it

still making fairly hard to do something useful
ease of use and consumption

sometimes a javascript or flash plugin

WPF/E – shipping with vista and capable

more than flash

atomizing diff ways

dont have standard terminology

do have directories – being solved quicckly now

open platforms not standalone apps

deeply expressing the platform

implications for product quality
spreading your product beyond the vendors you site
APIs – app prog interfaces – nonvisual part of widgets and badges – need programmers to use

End user friendly – the next step

you will atomize and build on top of others

google maps most popular ajax widgets – compelling
spent 10s of millions dev and improving

building on the shoulders of giants

need to be bringing best of breed from others


SL uses Amazon S3

to be competitive

self help to deploy now

Wdigets – on the web in ajax or flash
Badges – displays of content pulled under cover of other sites
Gadgets – more formal widget models from google and MS

bring in diff widgets and feeds to do things
surreounded with content and cross-relate
create mashups

counter terrorism and disaster management – create a blog for each disaster with widgets for sal displays, info, calls into disaster center – will report on what is going on
where to go and look

natural platform
bring in other views and feeds

exploit SOAs and aggregate the functionality

not just content – functionality aggregation

send email to get the slides for the widget talk

copy and paste is key aspect

single line javascript includes
object/embed tags in flash

connect to undelying sites to provide value
have business model baked deeply
driving traffic, content consumption, advertising

Widget Business Model

WHat makes widgets powerful

functional and content PORTABLE

users do the work to broaden their distribution
supply mashups and hosting

make it a foundation of others success

forming real business relationships

good widgets hard to find – not seeing as much as youcould

widgets take a long time
simple apps – readers, plan vaca this way
use myspace quite a bit

developers and pro sumers – build web apps themselves

widgets may gen more traffic for you but hard to say

google gadgets for web pages
provide functionality directly
good resource

Microsoft Live Gallery
MS major web2.0 plays
roaming on the web for apps and data
desktop and web gadgets

sense that shows what is taking place
diff categories

Myspace widgets
lists of widgets can be widgets

Recent Stories
YouTube video badge
highly viral
what web2.0 tools work – radically simple
1 button, 1 field to edit – eminently obvious – viral aspect should be as obvious

use web as a content billboard

never be as big as the web

dont take users intelligence for granted

google adwords widget – most successful in internet history
drives majority of googles ad rev

80% of goog rev comes from advertising
80% of ad comes from displays of their ad widget

99% of ads displayed on their ad network

understanding motivation to offer to users
will cut in for piece of the action
piece there resp for helping google become co with lgst market cap in history

big thing

treating the web like older platforms – rules are all different

leveraging the strengths of networks – if you have something great it will spread

army of millions to spread your products

amazon looking at api space
amazon built their own platform for themselves and used it once – then opened and got 50k other business to work with it

will you leave the majority of the value of your online and services untapped

you can build with yahoo just by cutting and pasting

APIs? if you need the visual component of it

Amazon – lgst based on API sales

Web2.0 Accessibility 2.0 – Matt May

Even if you meet the specs and still trap users you are not accessible

at a high level javascript isnt accessible – but not really

Best indicator of accessible content is valid, semantically accessible html
many of the great web2.0 sites have valid, well managed html

if you are still developing without using the modern approach, it will be a strike against you for accessibility

maintenance and new features also a problem – mastery of html and css is critical

Unobtrusive Scripting
script is living sep from the doc itself
good thing is that you can dev your scripting, pull it out and test with or without it – one of many ways you can make sure the core is working well

if you can take the script, pull it out and the site flow is still intact you are still getting closer to functional accessibility

no silver bullets
auto tools only as good as users
policy puts focus in the wrong place
cms and app frameworks intro own problems

make it easy for the devs and the interface and the content devs to do the right thing – not forced, but led to the right thing
important – when adding an image, make sure there is alt text
at the point that someone can do the wrong thing, make it easier to do the right thing

deisnging for people

for every blind user there are 10 more that cant read at 20/20

mom is the benchmark

2.5 mil cant grasp or handle small objects – cant handle a mouse with any precision

video sites – it becomes an enormous issue
talking about huge population of people who are missing out on a lot of this content

group in Utah – WebAIm – excellent – excellent research – talk about cognitive problmes – 6 areas
memory , problem solving, attention, reading and lang, math, visual comprehension
nothing diff – simple principles of human-computer interaction

not talking about small group not interacting with the web anyway

18-64 numbers
outside of the range – up to 4 mil of all americans that cant grasp small objects
easier to use keyboard

when we are creating labels – acc is about dealing with the disabled

underreporting of disabled
text only sites – funct equivalent is ghetto-ization
taking these people, and marginalizing
problem talkin about acc as the people who have disabilities

few people diagnosed with one or another will come out and self segment
imp – they are people
make sure that the us vs them isnt whats comign to mind – think enabling based on capabilities and helping them to work around their limitations

AJAX accessibility
a lot of progress
some of the best javascript devs in the web field are accessibility advocates
building frameworks that most people are using to create ajax based sites
good news about whats going on
we are used to having people like that dev

People who brought you
ray kurzweil speech synth in the 1970s

Universal remote control is a movement to accessibility

check out acc functions on your OS (OSX zoom function)

Ditectly accessibile AJAX

XHTML2 becoming more interesting
WC3 roadmap for access
ARIA – how we will work with these technologies
runs the gamus of wc3 tech
the way things are progressing

AJax as enabler
LMS with ajax as its core

working on it at all levels of the stack
making sure these things will be easier to use tomorrow than today

Youtube resp for offering ways for content to be captured

making it easy to caption or audio desc is critical – standardization is the next steps

skip links useful and take no effort
keyboard op is huge

great interface
likes it alot
works without script
can resize text
any number of ways to access and add content
socialize with one another
fatal problem – captcha
captcha one of the things that frustrates to no end – such opp and instead, by making a simple decision, you have shut people out
visual verification is a pandoras box
pushing away more users than you are keeping away the bots
what about script

a lot going on – a screenreader built for firefox
excited to see what is going on in modern acc development

Juicy Studio – blogger who does amazing work with this tech

Web2.0 -Tagging – Thomas Vander Wal

Thomas Vander Wal

Social Web Scaling

what is a tag?
simple meta data
used for sorting
hook for aggregatinig
identifier or description
personal marker

more than 1 tag on an object

History of tagging

Lotus Magellan – 87-90
DOS world
meta data to files and annotate, add context, not really networking
using sneakernet
handing off files
good way to add context
pull info back together
more networked world
files and adding keywords – only 255 keywords
the sysop could replace tags – breaking the peoples means of finding that info – that they tagged
compuserve got lots of feedback from devs
really want their own metadata and keywords to keep track of what they found and added

personalization – track info back to yourself

signup for account and tag with URI
Cory Doctrow – MetaCrap

2003/2004 – Del.ici.ous – started and growing
flickr too
taggin in networked/web environment
what do we call this

the f word – FOLKSONOMY

apple and iphoto and add your personal tags and make them social tags
social and personal lines blurring (sometimes both sometimes just personal)
more or

tagging for those consuming the information

Value – external derived from own vocab and adding meaning

whats going on based on where and how they are brought up
will add that info
all have our own window – tagging lets us put hooks on that info

all about the individual

the less you think of what tag – the more you can retrieve and refine

removing a tag – removing one or may peoples means of getting back to info

Folksonomy triad – object, metadata, identity
most people applying perspective thru their own lens

relationship between object and ID is interest – making a specific connection

one of the three legs from the stool to pivot

vocab between community and meta and community and identity – you start opening the box to connection and definition – social networking and web begin to work

community is tagging audi things, clothing, pen sets – may or may not be interest
interest around same term
obj and relationship wiht the tag in the same manner

use communtiy and id as an anchor – using same tags on objects – algorithms doing smart search

pivots and connections used intelligently

folksonomy vs taxonomy

library sci – love tax – see folks as a threat

see folks as a threat – bottom up vs top down
what we call things across

tax expensive to build and out of date

common is the product and the obj in the middle

ID gaps in the tax – include the terms where there are gaps – look at spikes and say “Oh” makes it inclusive – find the gaps

Business Tensions
Naming control vs peoples vocab
Sample groups vs every perspective (really getting all persp. – all that you may not have considered
inhouse vs outside (home brewed vs del.icious or others)
knowd dollar value – w/ unknown dollar value

bussiness gains – internet
target message lang need and taste
opening up communication
what the interests are
explicit statement on the part of the user – i digg this – why i value this or not – better understanding of customers – pos or neg – helpful when you figure out who what when where why

improves refindability
refinidng is hugely not being addressed issue
lacking tools – tagging tools that do it well close the gap
helps understand context – getting to common vocab
connecting silos
ease of sharing resources by perspective
similar interests and experienc over that


COld Start Problem
need somewhere to start
Scaling and FUnctionality
people vs times object tagged
many people tagging with few times – dont see scaling – not that useful
few people with many things – skewed perspective
a. works for personal use – delicious lesson – maintain bookmarks and annotate and refine
social tools dont work well beyond
b Serendipity – not perfect tool, not more mature
c Powerful – search working, seeing trends

Phases of interaction
saving and tagging
clicking pivoting

Personal to Social

As much of 28% of people on the web has taggged

shfit from gen categorization to actual tagging
trends similar to rss
more powerful – beyond alphas to 2nd stage adopters

why tag?
Reasons people tag?
Own value
Add perspective context
State of interest

Biggest reasons – own value and refindability

Spheres of Sociality
Personal (web services, things that matter)
Selective (we are selective vs everyone here – people we

Tools need all 4 layers when in dev phase

Social Context
Personal – Capture
Social – Share
Hook/Copy – Point
Annotate – COllab
Refins – Filter
Privacy – trusted groups

Shape of Tags
where do people tag
social – deliv
viddler – tag at certain bookmarks – in video

Wherever there is a digital obj or marker – they are tagging
People using tag services
descriptions – and long free text annotation – more than just tags, feeds to info, interfaces to diff svces

commas work well for western euro lang – others dont have that delimeter – text box for each item works well

scanning is big with tags

collective approach – when you look at selective – seeing contacts of people you know with perspective similar to your own

what the collective vs mob vs your network can reduce the tsunami

groups another way to filter, segment

filtering and clustering – flickr does well – find things similar and grouping

tag combinations – raw sugaar – takes trad taxonomy and clusters together – adding and defining context

helps to filter

Library thing – culture – variations and related info (related based on community?)

algorithmic approach – interestingness from flickr

Tag Cloud
not overly fond of tag cloud – dont work well with real people
notfinding relevance – wont come back to the site – nothing of interest – flat list works better – easier for pattern matching

tag clouds best work on granular items

works really well as descriptor

SHopping – Amazon – art of the pivot done well top pick

people can find recommendations this entity has and works well – nav the amazon site and get rep points

tagging is a feature not focus – secondary order of functionality

Easy tagging with amazon
– taggin is yes no

What Is Going On
I want social web and tagging
kevin federline page on amazon
person making a social statement

talentless page on amazon

Improvements – things not going well yet
value of tagging for non taggers
volatility of tag objects
tethering needed
when we point to things and change them (updated, changed,) – what happens – pointed to similar, or archives

Social Networking – broadline friends
Interoperability – desktop, laptop, push to delicious, flickr
Tag Commons – meta data do we need and looking at interop more successfully

Web2.0 – Privacy and User Generated Content – Lauren Gelman

Law, Society, Information technology and people

Privacy – a lot of interesting things happening in the tech cpace

Web2.0 is about controlling data – 4.13.07

Its about data, who owns and controls, and who gives best access to
Still in early stages b/c data isnt owned yet

when a company is a bounty of new resources – at a philosophical level – and generally what law regulates

question – who is the part in the best position to make decisions about how to treat data?
goivt, technologists, entrepreneurs

how we think about privacy is extraordinarily important

User’s privacy experienc is a combo of law an tech

nothing bad for privacy

what kind of society do we create

providing info to one company for one purpose – but used by another for another purpose
how cool you can tell company where you are and they will connect you with people in the same place – give co the info – provide with the service – tracking whereever you are

that info is valuable
how do we think about diff between privacy question and the secondary question of how info transfers beyond initial transaction

another issue – permanence of the data

can everyone have access (not just rich parties) but also – how does it turn people off from participating
what are the reprecussions down the line

“I dont want to play anymore”

link between online and offline ID

how are we combining info with how they are doing things online wiht their offline identity

how to dev a sep ID for themselves online
keep distinct

comes up in community websites – you know your neighbor b/c you have relationship – what happens when you know a lot more – how does that change our social relationships

whether the market is thebest way to judge consumer privacy concerns
ID theft credtcard fraud
downstream effects displaced in time
notice at point of transcation

Massive societal, technology changes

google-doubleclick deal

think about advertising in the traditional model – i know a certain type of

tech allows it – but is there value? businesses like targeting, is the connection of the ID with the data opens possibility for people who want to access more info about individuals

massive societal change to resooirtboundaries

ability to buy with anonymity gives you a freedom that you dont get when you have to attach ID

web2.0 and kids – not as able to judge downstream effects – is there a corp obligation to think about this when you enable kids to do things

loss of control for those – who uses and how it is used

harm – someone cant get mortgage because of identity theft

occupies entire life

constitution – overarching question
data you collect – someone may come asking for it at some point
respobsible, good corp citizen
if you have it, someone can come and get it
when you think aboutthe context of thhe user experience – that is part of it
privacy what the expectation is
set by the market – what people exp in the world
frames how courts and judges eval techhnologies
what was the exp. when they engaged

when you build and enable collection – would you feel comfortable

what internal protections do you have? so many problems not about externals – its about people internally not well trained in how to manage process and keep it safe

great arch to protect privacy
and then a CS person gives out info

who are the people and how are they trained

building privacy in –
how is data live
how do you cue people to being tracked
opt-in or opt-out

collection of info – who holds, third parties – how long kept, personalized – which country, and laws that are covered there

data or communications

Innovate in privacy

how to survive those big press events
privacy policy generator – where2.0 conf
giving info – give more practical tools

internet app that will allow you to go to website and ask questions
taking thru the process to create policy

harvard – ToS at Berkman
Cyberlaw doing privacy

David Hornik – VC – concerned about privacy implications

see what kind of advice they are giving the clients

would like to shop based on peoples privacy policy

doesnt make those choices – companies dont realize she isnt interested – dont build to the need b/c they dont know

informed choice – useful to your company
explanation of provisions

graphical tags – to allow groups to endorse and machine readable – that allows you to find thru semantic search

tool to reduce repetitive work
point of reference

social scientists and researchers

more standardization in the market

commentary cards (why wouldnt all of this tie into OpenID?)

need to know this can be connected back to a person’s name
need to notify them of that

back end – simple db – output gives your policy

chosen – program introduces class user profile, need advice from real lawyer

with appropriate disclaimers

people in the room should be thinking about this – need to get ahead of it, set good standards and create great user experience and not just higher level interaction with your service

does she read privacy policies – sometimes yes, and most of the time no

some services cause more concern than others

balancing disclosure with good user experience and non-cumbersome user experience

more protections, more cumbersome
depends on a particular thing – cookies great if they allow you to know where you were or remember prefs – but can have horrible applications

sometimes you do have to encumber user experience

UE – includes privacy – part of the experience – this is critical

reccomendation for good resources?
where should they go to learn more

reading caselaw wont help you – no magic bullet privacy answer

some things the law does deal with – health you need guidance – you need rules to provide experience to the user

writing privacy policices in lang users can understand (short of making it graphical)
on cyberlaw site – students wrote policy for muni wireless – took that approach – mom should be able to know what will be done with her info

how far is Stanford and Berkman in the work?
goal – have the legal part done b4 students leave for summer – now tech implementation part

tag content to tell people how you want to give them permission to use it
# of diff licenses and metrics – machine, lawyer, people and graphical code

CC license – huge choice – more than what the law requires
go to PP gen and allows u to do whatever you want with peoples stuff

educational element

2 diff rules that address
CDA – comm deceny act – provision that limits liability of service providers for content posted for third parties – any content that is not copyright

DMCA – notice and takedown process – if youhave that regime your liability is limited
reduces liabilty in most cases

in the current youtube viacom – how far that protection upholds is in question

myspace context – how far will we let the limitation on liability on content go?

wide ranging limitation on liability for companies