Videoblogging with Ryanne

vlogging – more of a time requirement

same growing pains as podcasting and blogging

what is bloggin doing to push the medium forward?

not just podcasting

what do you want to do?

really have the world open to you

what do you want to see happen

what does video add – whats exciting, whats the potential?
video adds experience


do people need to have media wranglers

all issues – writing x 10

wants to start out doing things and then branching out

lots of ways to participate

some more comfortable to write or others done

tools to make videoblogging more prevalent

taking assets – dropping it in

adobe premier not easy for mortals

jmpcut, ispy, dabble, motionbox
itags? centralized way to coordinate tags between systems

Whooooooaaaaaa – TikiBarTV Redesign

Just DIGGed it… TikiBarTV is my favorite video podcast (not just because LaLa is really really hot). It is short, fun, PERFECT for the iPod screen and the production values are amateur and great. In this case Amateur is a good word. They work hard. They are funny. They shoot the dang thing in someone’s apartment. They have a drinkbot (we had one in college, but its name was Sween-dog). Their encodes are rockin for Flash8.

And they just redesigned their site from a blog with a user forum to something a little more designed and a heckuva lot slicker. I have been hammering on some clients in the last six months that users want to share. Its fun. Its social. There is a ‘im first’ competition among friends for finding that hysterical chunk of video (hello starwars kid), or gossip or easter egg or exclusive fact from their favorite show (hello LOST) or that podcast they need to be listening to. On of the reasons YouTube has grown so fast is the fact that I can put a video on my site or blog or myspace page courtesy of YouTube (remember when MySpace banned YouTube and the neighborhood went nuts?).

The Tiki Gods have obviously been listening to some of my prayers (they ignored the request for LaLas phone number). They have added a share page and inconography to the site:

All over the site you will see the “gift” icon. Click it to :
1) Email a friend about a Tiki Bar Episode
2) Add an episode to your MYSPACE profile, or to your friends comments. (works for all sites like MYSPACE, or even your OWN website! yaah!)
It’s easy, and there are instructions so you won’t screw it up (unless of course you’re French)

This kicks ass – the tribe at is pretty engaged (rabid, aggressive, constantly checkin back). Being even more share-friendly will only increase their popularity (I use them as an example at EVERY pitch and tech presentation I give clients).

Now if we could just get Dr Tiki, JohnnyJohnny and LaLa to go to Gnomedex!

Bit Torrent raises $8.75 Million

Thanks to Om Malik for this great story:

At Gnomdex this year a great deal of the conversation was about BitTorrent, and how the best way to legitimize it is to use it legitimately – use it for podcasts, video blog casts, spreading your own content, open source software, sharing legal and Creative Commons work – change the conversation from what it could do (piracy) to what it does do (sharing, transmitting, communicating – you know, like the internet).

Om Malik is reporting that the BitTorrent guys have just lined up financing of $8.75 million dollars. Now while that isnt dotcom money (aaaarrrggghhh!!!) it is still a nice chunka change for developing and rolling out bittorrent to the world. And while the big studios and record companies wouldn’t use the technology, with the right safeguards (like software keys, etc.) media companies could change how they distribute and share content with their users.

More and more we are seeing things like NerdTV, Systm, Rocketboom , Digg, and OurMedia– professional quality ‘programming’ (video or audio, sometimes user generated) distributed through the web. BitTorrent is a natural for this – taking advantage of bandwidth, the distributed aspects of the swarm, blah blah blah.

Can’t wait to see what comes next. – HYSTERICAL

Ok – So this guy needs a G5 for work (he is a video editor) but he cant afford the 5k price tag. So he creates a site to get donations (if 20,000 people give him a quarter, he will get to the $5K number).

Please please please watch the video until the end where he discusses his friend Jace. Its worth it.

Considering whats going on with the Katrina Refugees, I think he has the worst timing in the world. Then again, he has gotten almost $1500 bucks.

I would considering giving him $10 bucks , but would rather see him give the G4 to MOUSE or another non-profit that could use it (he plans on blowing it up).

Click here to check out the site

The First Machinima Talk Show!

In-game machinima talk-show with random Halo players shooting guests.

Awesome post from Boing-Boing about “This Spartan Life” an in-game talk show for X Box Live HALO. The best part?

Of course, there are lots of Halo players who aren’t in on the gag, crashing through the “set” and opening fire on the apparently slow-moving and non-lethal guest, host and crew, which only adds to the general awesomeness of this thing (excellent commentary on this here).

Check out the BoingBoing article here:

The home page for This Spartan Life is here:

The Thinking Machinima blog is here:

Create Digital Music’s article here:

Cool – AlwaysOn conference archive

There were three conferences I wanted to attend this year – Gnomedex, Reboot and AlwaysOn.

Gnomedex rocked (see my posts in June)
Reboot – missed it, but I am definitely going next year
AlwaysOn – missed it thanks to crushing amounts of new business (I know, a lot of companies wish for problems like that).

Check this out from AlwaysOn –

They have an archived webcast of the event. Now I would prefer it if they offered the whole event as a bittorrent download (once again, reinforcing the use of bt for something other than downloading pirated TV), but the fact that they put it out there is great.

In a similar vein, Doug Kaye from IT Conversations has recently talked about creating a non-profit archive of conference audio… check out the post here.

Doug Kaye » The New Project

Doug Kaye, the Master of Ceremonies behind IT Conversations (including the Gilmore Gang which I love) is talking about a new project that fits well with what he has been doing for a while now. You can find his original post here. and a follow up here.

My new project is to capture (record) all of these presentations, post-produce them, and make them available worldwide for free.
-Doug Kaye

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea. Not a little, but a whole lot. A community of people who are attending conferences podcasting them. Making a digial archive. Conferences participating in documenting the action and making their conferences more popular. Oh yeah, there is some Darwinism here. If you stink the whole world (and not just the poor schnooks who paid to see you speak) will know it.

This is a great example of citizen media and I have thrown my hat into the ring to help.

MythTV How-To

Thanks to PVRblog (which is a killer resource for that space) for a pointer to Systm’s how-to on MythTV – an open source TiVo
Build a Myth box video from Systm | PVRblog

Systm is a production from two TechTV Screensavers alumni, Kevin and Dan who are doing more in-depth segments on technology. The first two posts of their vlog (video blog) can be found at the link above.

This is a great example of niche-casting.

    They are writing their own content (very specific target audience)
    They are shooting it themselves (with pro quality sound and video)
    They are editing it themselves (with some nice motion graphics)
    They are distributing it via bittorrent! (saving on bandwidth, distributing the weight)

Kevin also does a group podcast with Leo Laporte, Patrick and a few other members of the Screensavers alumni club at this week in tech.