Marc Canter blogs about the new site Netvibes. It is an example of a Digital Lifestyle Aggregator (similar to what Marc is planning on doing with GoingOn).

Check it out here: http://www.netvibes.com/

This is easily the coolest thing I have seen in a while. Its built in Ajax (like Google’s personalized homepage and Microsoft’s Start.com). The difference is, these guys aren’t a multibillion dollar public company.

This service is free and gives the user the ability :

* to create a personalized page with the content they like.
* to put together data feeds and services from web 2.0 with a very simple interface
* to access your page anytime and from any computer .

Key features of Netvibes :

* Browse, modify, and import your RSS feeds with our integrated RSS/ATOM feedreader. You can easily import an OPML file as well.
* Import, download and listen to pod casts without any additional software
* Check your mail on one or many gmail accounts, stick web notes, weather and many more features to come !

You can add feeds, move the elements around on the page (thanks AJAX), bring in your gmail, get the weather, add notes to the page and even hit your page from other machines. The guys who built it, Florent Fremont and Tariq Krim are based in Paris and do Web2.0 apps.

Tres cool. Check it out.

Gnomedex 2006 Baby

My favorite-conference-for-life is Gnomedex. Hands down, it is the best. Best speakers, best crowd (Lunatic Fringe), best topics, and I got to do some sightseeing in Seattle.

This week Chris and Ponzi opened up the idea of Gnomedex 2006, and floated the idea that there be 2 Gnomedexes. The response was, well, very gnomdexy. Everyone weighed in with suggestions as to where the next event should be held. Some were for the idea of 2 events, and others were against.

The fact that they would ask is the best part. Chris and Ponzi maintain the Gnomedex mailing list, keeping the tribe in touch. The gnomedex.com maintains the links and wiki still, 3 months after the conference. There is even a gnomedex participants blog that I read religiously.

My only regret is missing the first 4 gnomedexes

The First Machinima Talk Show!

In-game machinima talk-show with random Halo players shooting guests.

Awesome post from Boing-Boing about “This Spartan Life” an in-game talk show for X Box Live HALO. The best part?

Of course, there are lots of Halo players who aren’t in on the gag, crashing through the “set” and opening fire on the apparently slow-moving and non-lethal guest, host and crew, which only adds to the general awesomeness of this thing (excellent commentary on this here).

Check out the BoingBoing article here:

The home page for This Spartan Life is here:

The Thinking Machinima blog is here:

Create Digital Music’s article here:

Jimmy Wales of Wikipedia Guest-blogging Lessig.org


Jimmy Wales (who founded the wikipedia and my buddy Ace met at TED Global) is guest-blogging

I will be presenting the ten things over the next ten days, but I will let you in on a little secret. I haven’t finished the list. In true collaborative style, I want to invite you to participate in the finalization and formation of the list.

Watch this space.

CMS (Content Management Sanity)

So for the threehundreth time I need to identify a CMS for a project. Because iNDELIBLE doesn’t have a ‘house CMS’, we take the client’s requirements and then compare it to the best possible solution.

Well the kind souls at CMS Matrix have put together a comparison tool for understanding the major features of dozens of CMSs, both F/OSS and proprietary.

Denise Howell, Buzz Bruggeman, Jason Calacanis on Today’s Digital Legalities

Buzz Bruggeman
30 yrs practiving law
bg with technology
built activewords

Denise – appellete and IP law
programmers of the legal field

Buzz – huge friend of mind manager
lead the discussion and your things

law is static – wrong – very dynamic
lots of people blog about the law
Howard bashman – aappelete law blogger who keeps up to date on all the app courts in the US
broad readership w/ lawyers but even broader with judges
blog has been cited in a SCOTUS opinion
notion of participatory law

thinking about the audience – we have to confront issues in daily life
comparing the notion of locked silos of info (westlaw, lex-nex)

Jason C
weblogs inc
106 paid bloggers
use the soapbox you have to impact the pragmatic and practical
things to discuss:
1. rss
2. fair use for bloggers
3. attribution – blogs and apple and suing
4. picking your fights – what to do when MS, motorola, and lawsuits
5. blogger contracts

patent mojo – rss enabled sit ewhere you can sub to patents that are being granted to ms, apple, ibm etc.

MS internal policy – we dont want you lookign at other peoples patents

all the guys who came up with patent mojo are bloggers

inc availability of information – pr people dont go to tech or lawyers

law firms wising up

delicious tag – at lawnow

JC – more serious bloggers inc. for protection
legal letters – yell out
extend the discussion – take it down or else

good technique

quote of the week – “what do you guys think, am I stupid?”

if the lawyers letters are wrong, they look stoopid when you put them online

stuck to their guns and the truth came out

go thru the ed process withthe bloggers

EFF pubbed valuable legal guide for bloggers
another ex of the kind of detailed qual info you cant get 5 yrs ago

would you hire a lawyer b/c he is a blogger

need to have a bloggin policy
if you are gonna write aboutit, blog first

take a balanced approach

Havent seen lawyers who worked for pub traded companies blogging – SOX? SEC?

Denise Howell – scary smart, gets it

one of the many people who ran for gov, hamidi – intel sued him
sent 40000 emails tointel employees – trying to get them to rally around org/union
faceintel.com – accused of tresspassing on intel servers

JC – inc as a level of protection for their personal assets?
BB – inc doesnt reduce the risk of litigation

BB the more you write the better you write – dont get fired for being stupid (google guy and delta guy) – violate code of conduct, “there are no first amendment rights protcting stupidity.

ex of Davezilla (toho – people who own godzilla tradmenark) sent him a leter – community provided all the legal support and info he was able to resopond

relatioship with people who do the segway, do we need to piss these people off? do what you think is right? Non competes with bloggers, trying to stop them,

know when it is unneccessaryt to go all the way
alot of time to see what happens – dont get scared when you see the letters – talk to them

BB – morganstanley-pearlstein lawsuit – document retention – last line says dont throw anythign away – play it stragihtl tell the truth
MorgS played cute – couldnt find email or docs, then found some – midway thru the drama – this is bullshit, default judgement – trial will be about damages.

pearlstein 1.4billion – booyah!

JC – do a project or biz and believe enought in it – document it – leave the lawyers out or let them negotiate – go direct – work out the ‘prenup’ conv early… before i go thru legal contract with you lets do bullet by bullet in email – bring it all up in the fresh air – send a letter of agreement – ‘what we are discussing doing legal doc – not gonna debate going forward – fax back intitial items – fax back – go thru the motions and dont do deals w/o everyhting in writing, oral agreements – do it right or dont do it

how participatory law has a relationship to part-journo and part-media – rewrite copywrite law for compulsary licenses to make it more streamlines, do away with comp license – link at top of delicious list

anything that streamlines is a good thing – this media is bubbling up out there

pushing the issues bmi and ascap are interested –

if the ? is you have a ? to the guys who are blogging about it it will be a great conv.

even if you are within fair use – respect it

talk and communicate – talk about whats fair – solve both problems

where are the boundaries with fair use? See wikipedia – too long a q to answer here

JD Lasica, Terry Heaton, Cory Bergman on Tomorrow’s Media

JD Lasica – the house DJ
Sunday Bloody Sunday – GW Bush (Ace would love this)
Watts Wagner – to find out where society is going find people from the futuree and study them

Darknet – trad book tour – decided to do a couple of diff things – gnomedex – whats going on – determining the future,,, podcasting and blogger booktour

suprnove – chris anderson conv. – hollywood vs the loing tail. blogging, storytelling, finding our voices taking back the conversation

larrylessig, doc searls, weinberger, howard rheingold are the forefathers
take the stories and do some reporting. tell the stories of the people at ground zero. wrote to all 7 hwood studios – asked permission to use 15-30 sec of their movies ina home movie he was making – all he wants to do is take a snippet, show family and friends – is it cool?

5 said NO. couple quoted prices, one was chickenshit. No we dont want you to do that.

WHAT IS FAIR USE? There are still things we do and want to do that are allowed.

personal media rev that is driving is rss. makingeveryone a publisher. let everyone know about it. gonna explode in the next year. grassrrooots media aggregation shites

digital storytelling is taking over – George and Bobby – which is great great great tribute to JD’s brother… hopefully some of the video guys got a hold of that. Thisis the guy Paddy needs to talk to for a story.

Ourmedia – global home for grassroots media. 3 months ago 25k members. 12k pieces of media that people have uploaded – vid audio phot text software – share with a global audience – 35 moderators from 10 diff countires wikipedia approach – 3 months = 50% of the bandwidth from the internet archive (Creative Commons and Bryght)

The grey zone – dont take hwood’s idea of fair use – fair use guidelines – kinda f’ed up in some ways but do what you will…

last thing – ratings, social networking, social support, cc mixer tools, remix culture

people attach licenses to media they upload but also opening the doors. Tellign people what the rules are and tellign them there are ways t


open source media project – need moderators, hackers, tricks, best practices, people who are creating their own stuff, tell stories, authenticity – reall world not TV

Lost Remote since 1999 – started when tv wasnt reco many respects of new technology
web producers in tv newstooms with how to deal with tv – big in and out of the industry

what online and tv are doing
first time in 17 years and awakening – how its changing what they do, how it will change tv, no one has listenend that wiell – except for money – TZV internet even marketing – a lot of companies need to invest
couple of weeks ago P&G will pull from tv and shift to other forms
King Media – dir or digital prod – realizing they are pushing it to make it succeed
TV Digital Gap – completely made up: rev for TV is decreasing, rev from dig is increasing. break even piint is before digital catches up – keep people employed and qual up
what must tv cos do to survive
things old media need to do:
acquire digital companies
leverage tv to launch new products
invent new business models
cut costs – how to do with bcast quality equip.

lower 1/4 to lower 1/3 of tv will go under int he next 4 years

Terry: released from mental hosp – dont like to be criticized
dont be in a stressful situation

Donanta Communications
personal media revolution for image content and revenue
consltus with tv sta on the internet
radical in that he wont compromise on truths of the internet, citizens media and the personal media revolution
“check your instincts at the door” – id you are looking for results, you might consider doing just the opposite of what you think you are supposed to do”


b/4 tv can move forward they need to accept it. Law of attraction works on the web – not the law of promotion.

experimental journey with nashville tv WKRN TV
hopes to be a model for local tv in the future
the problem isnt revenu – it is audience – fix the problem
how to attract viewers – people are online instead of using resources to build onair – use resources for local blogosphere – use tv to increase participation and inc ratings

krn – last place in nashville
sta mgr is attuned to what iss going on
where is the money?
paid search for TV.
using airtime to promotte online business (opportunity cost)
charlie (nutty local character)
then connected tv with local bloggers
blogosphere at the local level is where it is at
local – driven by passion, bottom up, the local level is where it is at
think small
research, evite – bloggers to tv station, social event – recognize theyare here andimportant – a lot of media attempts to build their own blogosphere is a prob – it already exists
rss addresses of area bloggers, agg site called nashville is talking
nashville is talking are you listening?
only branding is “brought to you by news 2 as our committment to listen”
bloggers – dont want them as some monolitic website
standalone sites
airtime topromote
ad network
blogs for each of the personalitites for the
upcoming – teach video/workshop for bloggers
free news vid for bloggers
bring citizens media to the mainstream
raw news video – portions, online free

this is everythin we talked about (or i couldnt get on paper) for pilot!

nashville is talking – are you listening

room for one station in every market to do this
why would you invite your competitors to do your own paid site

plan is to have the bloggers on the air eventually

terry – metrics on what this is done – inc viewers, traffic
blogger meetup in feb
blogosphere has tripled in nashville when we started
ourmedia.org – fairly natural progression of blogging to media
krn is the model – working with kron

cory – newsroom blogging
tvblogs arent updated quickly enough
sizable groups who want to know what they say
procedures and policies
work here locally with est media and journalist folks

terry – background is tv but passion is culture – changing of the guard is taking place
late 70s – usa today – mickey mantle – people taking over the world have grown up on me.

what are we gonna do with it????

Today’s Open Source 1

Matt Westervelt, Asa Dotzler, Scott Collins, Matt Mullenweg on Tomorrow’s Open Source

Open source – wordpress, firefox, opensource is changing things

Introductions of each

OS projects on merits of highquality, free products

in 6 or 8 months – 80 million downloads of firefox

F/OSS on the cusp of mainstream
WordPress (thanks WP!) at the front of that

How do you market an F/OSS project

gonna hand over the messaging and the brand and identity to the volunteers – more vocal and more effective
millions of users can be wrong
cant do that with a bad product
why does the testimonial work? cause you trust that guy – its about volume and scale

how did MattM (WOrdpress) go from Zero to Hero
WP is an evolution of a product – when WP started it couldnt find users – he gave to friends – couldnt get people to develop for it

The key is user driven products vs. feature driven products
growth of firefox and wordpress – lg commercial players well funded doing it longer seeing their market share eaten by community, bottom up movement

Asa – Firefos is still in the early stages – hasn’t crossed the chasm

firefox ad in the WSJ – a fan of the product felt it was a great way to promote the product – raise $$$ to spread firefox by buying the ad.

citizen media – firefox ended up doing a NYTimes ad (more targeted – 8000 people – $20 a piece – 2 page ad in the NYTimes. The ad didnt drive downloads, the MSM stories drove the traffic about the ad

scott – wants to know if there are questions open source and how someone here can help propel that thing of value

neccessity for successful proj is modularity – can cater to niche b/c it isnt all in the core

dylan greene – blogging software 5 yrs ago – how does he make $ while open sourcing

potential vc wouldnt see it as a money prod

Scott – dual licensing is one method – mysql, trolltech (go Zaurus!)

value for value

give away complete product, cross platform, license a seat (one time fee per dev, not per app or bundle) and that gives you proprietary licence – everything but ship code – pick how you fund the dev of the community

pay the devs and fund their efforts
works for vc, business clients and keep in the OS world
if someone wants to pay per license fee they can do both

Do VCs understand open source – answer = YES

its a competitive marketplace
find a way to give users a voice, give them feedabck, get involved
some way to speak bask – so THEY ARE INVESTED AND EMPOWERED

Dave Winer Keynote Part 2

Dave has open sourced his new outliner/OPML editor and wants to open it up to the world

Throw some tools in the mix – play and present probs with solutions.

Uses that are possible include groupware, project management, front end to your blogging software, making structured lists, writing outlines, narrating your work, telling a story, participation.

When you are narrating the work, you are more organized and you will use it more. Dave uses his experience at Userland as an example of how well it works in a team/proj/dev environment.

Features up to us

Dave wont force his vision on others

In Seattle, getting ready for GNOMEDEX!

So I spent the day dealing with some strat development for one of our biggest clients (wakin up at 6:30 to do a call with NYC)

Then I went sightseeing… Pike Place Market, Space Needle, EMP and the Museum of SciFi. Fun, long walk and then some power napping before the big event.

And tonight is the kickoff to Gnomedex


So the opening night registration/mixer was great. Dave Winer shook hands with Adam Curry, There was an evacuation due to a fire upstairs, we went thru a ton of food and drinks and hung out with some really cool people. It was weird to be in a room with so many people whose work I have been following/reading/using/enjoying/recommending for years.

hit www.flickr.com with keyword gnomedex for HUNDREDS of photos from the event.