Gnomedex John Edwards

Here to meet and listen to us

way to bring whole country in and engage

where we need to go – how do we make tech beneficial

strong on net neutrality

what we are doing is important – selfishly to the political process

changes we are clreating have potential to change democracy

meaningful dialog – potential

belives what we are doing is important

where are we today – where going – how do we manage how we go forward

Wisdom of Crowds – need to read it James Surweicki

red diaper baby – all about pols with balls

Edwards – we (Dems) need to have balls and stand for something

Tom from Pandora – need to have a human voice –

Edwards – conditioned that normal real authentic needs you to shed the conditioning – safe zone – plastic, say the safe things over and over

next pres of the US will most likely to be the cand who doesnt sound like a POL

Shannon – focus on national things

strikes that dems if they want to be successful they gotta focus local

how do you as Pol create vibrant local bases

digital bedouins – how do they get and keep engaged

republicans do a good job with language – Framing – George Lakoff

presidential elections – not driven by language

people who decide election – its all about moderation

Gnomedex 2006 – Dave Dederer

Guitarist and vocalist for THE PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES

Now doing PR for non-profits (Pyramid communications)
With Guitar – Playing some velvet underground (started with Kum-Bay-Ya)

Junkies skulking in the shadows – like web2.0 business – lots of money but no clear way to do it

quiick sketch

explain business model in clear manner

draw a contrast from business to music business

manager – 20-25%

business manager – 20%
lawyer 5%

publicist – 4k per month

marketing – 4k/mo

touring – easiet to control revenue

revenues, corporate gigs

your recordings

publishing income (writing the songs)mechanical royalties, folio publishing

performance income

merchandise – anything not music – large part of profit off of merch

integrating advertisers into site (not just cpm) – dogster and
Dave – iTunes is hugely successful for them

notin the music business anymore – music is a piece of it

what will bridge the gap

hands on with marekting and promotion

how can we help music people get it – whats the end game?

Shannon – music is microcommunity world

small passionate communites that are not geo but cenereed on passion

podcast hotel

Corey from IODA – big deal for mech publishing

dist to ituenss napster rhapsody

buy links with music file on the blog post – IODA pushes it through promonet

eventful – pushing fans and artists together

digital music distro – live performance and events

increase upside for artists

nobody wants to put their balls into one vice

apple vert integrated – transititonal step

music – online – is at 1/2 % of potential

music – is it a democratized industry

Warner Bros guy – relationship with artists can be closer

net – better platform for fanaticism

great session

Gnomedex 2006 Mike Arrington

Sitting in the crowd at Gnomedex and it is just as good as last year.

Mike Arrington – speaking now about the Web2.0 and small companies and what the environment is like

its the best time ever for a startup

advertising spending is a huge part

Mitch Radcliffe brings up why net neutrality will negatively affect the startup world

Youtube was a lot of work – not

Need a FUD word in the network neutrality debate – need to call it net discrimination
Arrington wants to talk about fun stuff

Heather from Fox M&A is here

be careful about trashing – success means diff things to diff people

digg is an ex of one that will make money

VC is flowing in at a higher rate

Bloggercon Day 2

Kickoff with Dave – Discussing Jargon and shorthand and how we protect knowledge, how we speak in code (medical, advertising, etc)

How the “Priesthood” gets involved, protects its interests, creates coded communications for their own protection/support/continuation of their architectures of control.
What we dont discuss is how sometimes this is unintentional or a byproduct of what we are doing. Yesterday we discussed OPML, RSS, ATOM, HIG, Blogging, VLogging, DOCSIS and a ton of topics that Joe SixPack wouldnt understand without explanation. Were we talkin in Jargon? Yes. Could Joe Sixpack get it?

One of the tenets of unconferences is that there is no audience – its one big conversation (its less of a conference than a living blog). In my opinion, we dont need to wait for TIME magazine to put out the definition of what RSS, Blogging, Podcasting, Vlogging, etc. mean. Thats _our_ job. We need to make this stuff clear (in my case, to my mom, clients, etc.). Yesterday at Chris’ discussion about Users we talked about how users have a right to complain and stomp and shout and demand.

We also have a responsibility to evangelize and make this stuff more accessible.

Emotional Life at Bloggercon

Lisa Williams

blogging as an interchange

tempering personal and professional life

what you say has impact – on career, friends, family, discussions, relationships, kids

blog for freedom – say what we want to do on our terms

freedom to say what you want

Mary Hodder – interesting that 15 yrs before people were spying on each other in E Europe and now they put all this stuff in public thru flickr, etc

Terry Heaton discussing the loss of his wife, how he blogged about it, the support he received from the community

Chris and Ponzi discussing their relationship and blogging

the feedback loop – how do you keep up and maintain?

friendly stranger rule

dont blog what you dont own maxim

Jay Rosen – Citizen Journalism

Users know more than we do journalism

discussing citizen journalism – not in abstract

talking about the notion that users know more than we do

Discussion of how an op-ed disses blogging by saying that Investigative Journalism is diametrically opposed to blogging (and better) – all the things bloggers cant do

tools need to be simple to empower

proprietary services as an impediment to sharing

need to say to the audience that they can participate

get away from the fruitless bickering b/w journalists and bloggers – this is completely diff from the current notion

how do we tell ken what he can do in spokane

how do we actually go to a paper to recommend and learn

ken – webcasting the news meetings

35 active blogs

3-4 podcasts

tradition busting ideas

open the archives

citation and recognition to those who are doing it (citizens)

projects as a longer term program (campaign as opposed to one-offs)

breaking stories as well as comments

major media have absorbed the idea that the readers are in more places than we are

method for analyses, method for collection, grading, filtering – problems – and where does the money come from for such a project

need mechanisms and rules for anonymity

lack of diversity in opinion – problem – why community, why audience can bring intelligence to the analysis

knowledgeable focus and motivated

terry heaton – evil empire

story is the narrative – presupposes the storyteller has info we dont have

hard to tell stories if we all have access to the same info

rejecting of narratives – filtering at individual level

if we expect the final prod to look like a story – we wont get there because thats not what the product is

story and diversity

biggest success of blogosphere journalism was Rather

doing away with THE story – no single point of truth

building trust in contributors

tracking historical raw data

battery dying…


giving a apresent to a TV Lunatic

put together a linux mythtv box

apache and dyn dns to serve thru living room

transcode shows to vide ipod format

watch what she wants and sched at home

output from ipod to tv

hardware – spare
case supply dvd rom ram 100gb hd
100 gb = 30 hrs

happauge pvr 350
vid in and out
mpeg 2 encode and decode

enconding on the card imp

comes with remote and ir receiver

r5 a16 – using myth tv .18

2 install of lurc

building your own pvr

what was ging on – start with the right motherboard
uses alot of direct memory access
use nvidia or intel chipset

no vid out to tv – required kernel recompile
worth starting from knoppmyth – works out of the box

be prepared for recompile

ivtv is the driver for the happauge pvr 350
can only drives tv in frame buffer mode – can bring it down

can destroy tv if you drive it incorrectly

drive tv like a computer – the refresh rate will be wrong

before driving tv – change/mod xconfig make sure refersh rates are supported by tv

support out there – onthe geeky side

can record – playback, save

direct tv or dish – connect directly to cable box

one for myth and one for cable

led xmit – inst for installign second lirc

not the fault of lirc – wouldnt transmit the number 8

mythtv doesnt handle time offset from greenwich

batrecorder – uses dynamic dns
on a private network – iplease – changes periodically

names of shows have colons or protected char the screen will bork – will remove from filenames

line 115

itunes update – takes the video files transcodes to xml and has a feed generator so it gens feed for all files in dir and creates feed for that title

instructions – all depend on specific setup

does not generalize
diff encoder decoder – own special bugs

encoder decoder –

audio setup – not configged properly in knoppmyth