Poignant moment during Glasgow U2 show: Crowd falls silent while Bono rhythmically claps hands, and announces every time he claps, an African child dies. Until Scotsman in front row roars, “Well stop f***ing doing it then”
The coolest website I have seen in a while. Their coming soon page looks like a craigslist post.
This is the daily linkblogging for seanbohan.com
links for 2006-11-16
And the clueless retailer of the year award goes to…
BestBuy – who decided to DMCA a website over it’s Black Friday sales info.Isn’t the whole point to get the customer into the store? I understand it’s competitve advantage not to release sale info
Been proposing this to clients for a while now – especially when nearly every client I have had in the last 2 years has been creating more and more video content. Having a Tivo showcase just makes sense.
links for 2006-11-14
So here is an answer to what Dave Winer is investing in. For years my friends and I have been frustrated with there being no central directory for conferences. Sounds like a winner, and Salim is involved too.
links for 2006-11-12
While I am ticked the project we just shipped got in the way of me attending the Web2.0 conference, I honestly have to say that Dave’s Web2.0 tour was probably more interesting, with less networking and better food 🙂
I have been a big proponent of pla
links for 2006-11-11
[converted to Unicode] What is Gabbly?
Gabbly is a chat service that allows you to chat around any webpage. It?s free to use on your personal page or commercial webpage.
Back in the web1.0 days there were a few companies working towards this space.
links for 2006-11-08
MythTV – the Linux SUPERTIVO
Take the money, hand over the keys and step aside. Larry and Sergey are driving your bus now.
Articles like this are why I love DIGG – as an amateur, compression is a little bit of a dark art – this adds article adds some light to the situation
links for 2006-11-05
A Greasemonkey script (FIREFOX!) that combines GMail and Google Reader. It wont work outside of that machine it is installed on (you can check gmail from anywhere and now you can watch your feeds from anywhere as well). Great for RIVER OF NEWS Aggregating
links for 2006-11-01
Second Life Insider posts that comic book icon Warren Ellis is a resident of Second Life
links for 2006-10-31
A very good friend went to TED Global last year and said it was the best conference/gathering/pow-wow he had ever attended. This year they are holding the event in Tanzania – looks like an amazing trip
Ross Mayfield talks about how the humanizing of MS and the work of Ray Ozzie and others has given him hope for working with MS and the fact that customers are saying that there is a need for wiki functionality and there is a gap within Sharepoint (even th
Terry Heaton – Get Well Soon
Just found out that Terry Heaton (who gave a great presentation at Gnomedex this year) is undergoing surgery this week for a lunp on his breast. He will find out after the surgery if it was cancerous.
He is blogging about the surgery and being an American without health insurance here:
and there is a tipjar on the top left corner of the page.