Apple’s Moves – curiouser and curiouser

PBS | I, Cringely . July 14, 2005 – More Shoes

As usual, Cringely lays out a completely plausible and clear theory on Steve Jobs moves with Apple, RE: Intel and Clickstar.

See, we’re back to Apple. As I have written in previous columns, Apple is working on its own movie download service (HD movies at that!), and I believe that service and ClickStar are one in the same.

Good pricing is not enough reward for Steve Jobs kicking IBM in the corporate groin at the behest of Intel. Let’s guess, then, that not only will ClickStar morph into ITMS, but that Intel’s “digital home entertainment devices” will be ITMS-compliant. No Microsoft, no Real, just H.264, FairPlay, and something behind Door Number Three, where we’ll find yet another shoe.

This third shoe is Apple’s closeout sale on the iPod Photo, which is suddenly and inexplicably $150-off all over town. Get ready for the Video iPod, which will presumably be available from more than just Apple. HP is already on board and these clues suggest Intel is likely there, too.

I am not a MAC fanatic, but Cringely makes it sound so realistic that I almost want it to happen.

Doug Kaye » The New Project

Doug Kaye, the Master of Ceremonies behind IT Conversations (including the Gilmore Gang which I love) is talking about a new project that fits well with what he has been doing for a while now. You can find his original post here. and a follow up here.

My new project is to capture (record) all of these presentations, post-produce them, and make them available worldwide for free.
-Doug Kaye

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea. Not a little, but a whole lot. A community of people who are attending conferences podcasting them. Making a digial archive. Conferences participating in documenting the action and making their conferences more popular. Oh yeah, there is some Darwinism here. If you stink the whole world (and not just the poor schnooks who paid to see you speak) will know it.

This is a great example of citizen media and I have thrown my hat into the ring to help.

Podcasting with Adam Curry Part 1

Adam Curry takes the stage.

Interestingly enough, Adam realized the other day it was his 199th Daily Source Code (his podcast).

Adam has decided to do the 200th DSC with the crowd, at GNOMEDEX… LIVE!

AC is the closing keynoter of gnomdex. This guy can really demo, tons of stage presence.

Adam shares with the crowd the reason why DSC is 40 min long – back in the day Adam would create podcasts and ask Dave Winer what he thought of this part or that part. Dave would have missed it and Adam couldnt figure out why. Turns out, Dave would play Adam’s podcast on his walk (which was only 40 minutes). Everything after the first 40 minutes would be missed.

In the tradition of Dave Winer’s Unconference vibe, (term coined from bloggeron) which starts the conference off with a song we all sing together… Adam has decided to present a mashup at the end of the conference:
Sgt Peppers Paradise – jimmy james (Sgt Peppers with Paradise City)

(this is hysterical – people dancing and doing the wave in the back)

JD Lascia just hatted Scoble with a Firefox hat on the red couch

1969 some of the brightest and creative musicians got together for woodstock
gnomdex is a lot like woodstock
100s of the most talented creative minds with new instruments and the world is moving with us
1000s of blogposts from technorati, flikr with millions of photos
WE ARE THE MEDIA – it is astounding

What message should we be sending from Gnomedex?
We need to take back the media in our hearts, not just our hands
Internet is powerful marketing and communication tool/platform
we need to admit it and embrace it

A lot like Free Love – we need to be continuouly enabling that
bringin in our audience, making them a part of it
people catching on to it
early adopters? -> we are the lunatic fringe
MS we need fuel, Apple we need fuel, audible we need fuel
we are telling you what we want
how are we gonna get this done?

Yesterday on Ginlmore gang – 2000 meeting w/ DW and it spurred dave to do enclosures
reeses peanut butter cups analogy (2 great tastes that go great together)
results in huge media files, posting talking
peanut butter and choc got old and nothing happened

Thnk of the movie BIG with Tom Hanks
Dave Winer is a Developer and Adam was a user. Like BIG – magic happened when they swtiched places – Adam became the DEV and Dave became the USER
how did that happen?

Adam Curry was recieveing new content from Dave
showing up automatically
when Dave Winer became frustrated with radio and trad media he wanted to make it himself
Steve Gillmore inspired him

result – programs or shows or audioblogs that come down to dave recording with
microphones falling, breaking, totally amateur, totally loving it.

Adam had his own frustrations
2nd bloggercon – Adam asked devs ‘how do i move files automagically from the feed to the device” – the same way Dave Winer was asking radio guys how do i record, get a better sound, techniques, gear etc.

seems like we should be able to create something that ids an enclosure and puts it on the ipod
AC built the piece that made life easier for him – The BIG moment and another example of users and devs partying together

thats what helped Podcasting take off

swapped roles = different dimension

experiences quickly and efficiently now

(huge laugh, round of applause from the crowd)

writing for machines is an artform like writing for humans
(more applause)

Adam hopes there are devs who learned a lot about users
the problem is, easy shit gets done last
Users and Devs work for big companies too – they are just people

Podcasting support is being built into itunes (HUGE)

We as a community, the lunatic fringe, need a better ‘signal to noise ratio’ in the conversations

we need to promote the power of subscription, extend the reach of subscriptions, make more things subscribable

Subscriptions are the dream of the Main Stream Media – thats why they want media by appointment (3pm timeslots, hey join us tomorrow,/cheesey radio DJ voice>)

Curry’s challenge to the lunatic fringe:
1. fix some things now – get one click subscription working now (Hear Hear)
2. Aggregators said ealier “we are switzerland” – Adam jokes that Switzerland is a neutral and expensive place to live – Aggregators hold the key to this stuff
3. Users want to watch and read and write and create audio and video
4. Metadata – there is good work going on, MS lists, Apple namespace, Media RSS from Yahoo!
5. attention.xml – we need to get on it – critical we get it going (big tip of the hat to Steve Gilmore)
6. Bandwidth is still an issue – time to make a corner turn on p2p – for podcasting and others – fully intend to implement and support bittorrent, use the distributed swarm to move files, create a real efficiency in downloads

Adam looks forward to working with aggregator developes and making it work, and making cool stuff happen. Huge potential with the group we have seen and met here at Gnomedex.

Amazing changes will happen in the next 6 months
music industry is part of the media we will take back quickly
tools for pros are the same as the amateurs: Pro Tools, Audtion, Garage Band

Its all about how talented we are – same quality tools that Mick Jagger is using (Garage Band) -same push into the world

sales mechanisms are getting into place – cdbaby – itunes with podsafe tracks

what are we missing? look at the music indust we have today – awesome power of dist thru radio

when is the last time you heard a DJ say I love this band! – you dont hear that any more

amazing thing happend last year – stumbled across music from band in NY – Lascivious Biddies. Adam liked it, sent an email, asked to play their songs on a podcast – they approved – after it played, email from Leanne Westover – they sold 200 cds in one day as a result of the podcast – the economics are there – 90% profit into the pocket of the band –

Now the biddies are 5-600 room sellouts

podcasters are listenting to each other

playing a track with emails from all over the worls – rob koslow – as a result of sharing his music – booked in 1k seat room gigs, doing movie scores, passing the info, what it is putting them in touch wiht the creators of the music

Adam is playing Rob Koslow music now

A guy with a keyboard – playing with the tools he has – sharing and generating rev and attention go out in the world and continue with his art.

message to the world – we are talking back our media – to the hearts and minds of the people.

Adam thanks the people who made the Gnomedex conference possible. Thank all the devs for what they are doing, David Winer – rss, podcasting, opml, respect and love

RScoble – running MS (huge laughs)
Chris and Ponzi (huge applause)

DSC ends…

Rousing cheers, Standing ovation for Chris and Ponzi

Gnomdex is over

Denise Howell, Buzz Bruggeman, Jason Calacanis on Today’s Digital Legalities

Buzz Bruggeman
30 yrs practiving law
bg with technology
built activewords

Denise – appellete and IP law
programmers of the legal field

Buzz – huge friend of mind manager
lead the discussion and your things

law is static – wrong – very dynamic
lots of people blog about the law
Howard bashman – aappelete law blogger who keeps up to date on all the app courts in the US
broad readership w/ lawyers but even broader with judges
blog has been cited in a SCOTUS opinion
notion of participatory law

thinking about the audience – we have to confront issues in daily life
comparing the notion of locked silos of info (westlaw, lex-nex)

Jason C
weblogs inc
106 paid bloggers
use the soapbox you have to impact the pragmatic and practical
things to discuss:
1. rss
2. fair use for bloggers
3. attribution – blogs and apple and suing
4. picking your fights – what to do when MS, motorola, and lawsuits
5. blogger contracts

patent mojo – rss enabled sit ewhere you can sub to patents that are being granted to ms, apple, ibm etc.

MS internal policy – we dont want you lookign at other peoples patents

all the guys who came up with patent mojo are bloggers

inc availability of information – pr people dont go to tech or lawyers

law firms wising up

delicious tag – at lawnow

JC – more serious bloggers inc. for protection
legal letters – yell out
extend the discussion – take it down or else

good technique

quote of the week – “what do you guys think, am I stupid?”

if the lawyers letters are wrong, they look stoopid when you put them online

stuck to their guns and the truth came out

go thru the ed process withthe bloggers

EFF pubbed valuable legal guide for bloggers
another ex of the kind of detailed qual info you cant get 5 yrs ago

would you hire a lawyer b/c he is a blogger

need to have a bloggin policy
if you are gonna write aboutit, blog first

take a balanced approach

Havent seen lawyers who worked for pub traded companies blogging – SOX? SEC?

Denise Howell – scary smart, gets it

one of the many people who ran for gov, hamidi – intel sued him
sent 40000 emails tointel employees – trying to get them to rally around org/union – accused of tresspassing on intel servers

JC – inc as a level of protection for their personal assets?
BB – inc doesnt reduce the risk of litigation

BB the more you write the better you write – dont get fired for being stupid (google guy and delta guy) – violate code of conduct, “there are no first amendment rights protcting stupidity.

ex of Davezilla (toho – people who own godzilla tradmenark) sent him a leter – community provided all the legal support and info he was able to resopond

relatioship with people who do the segway, do we need to piss these people off? do what you think is right? Non competes with bloggers, trying to stop them,

know when it is unneccessaryt to go all the way
alot of time to see what happens – dont get scared when you see the letters – talk to them

BB – morganstanley-pearlstein lawsuit – document retention – last line says dont throw anythign away – play it stragihtl tell the truth
MorgS played cute – couldnt find email or docs, then found some – midway thru the drama – this is bullshit, default judgement – trial will be about damages.

pearlstein 1.4billion – booyah!

JC – do a project or biz and believe enought in it – document it – leave the lawyers out or let them negotiate – go direct – work out the ‘prenup’ conv early… before i go thru legal contract with you lets do bullet by bullet in email – bring it all up in the fresh air – send a letter of agreement – ‘what we are discussing doing legal doc – not gonna debate going forward – fax back intitial items – fax back – go thru the motions and dont do deals w/o everyhting in writing, oral agreements – do it right or dont do it

how participatory law has a relationship to part-journo and part-media – rewrite copywrite law for compulsary licenses to make it more streamlines, do away with comp license – link at top of delicious list

anything that streamlines is a good thing – this media is bubbling up out there

pushing the issues bmi and ascap are interested –

if the ? is you have a ? to the guys who are blogging about it it will be a great conv.

even if you are within fair use – respect it

talk and communicate – talk about whats fair – solve both problems

where are the boundaries with fair use? See wikipedia – too long a q to answer here

Today’s Open Source 1

Matt Westervelt, Asa Dotzler, Scott Collins, Matt Mullenweg on Tomorrow’s Open Source

Open source – wordpress, firefox, opensource is changing things

Introductions of each

OS projects on merits of highquality, free products

in 6 or 8 months – 80 million downloads of firefox

F/OSS on the cusp of mainstream
WordPress (thanks WP!) at the front of that

How do you market an F/OSS project

gonna hand over the messaging and the brand and identity to the volunteers – more vocal and more effective
millions of users can be wrong
cant do that with a bad product
why does the testimonial work? cause you trust that guy – its about volume and scale

how did MattM (WOrdpress) go from Zero to Hero
WP is an evolution of a product – when WP started it couldnt find users – he gave to friends – couldnt get people to develop for it

The key is user driven products vs. feature driven products
growth of firefox and wordpress – lg commercial players well funded doing it longer seeing their market share eaten by community, bottom up movement

Asa – Firefos is still in the early stages – hasn’t crossed the chasm

firefox ad in the WSJ – a fan of the product felt it was a great way to promote the product – raise $$$ to spread firefox by buying the ad.

citizen media – firefox ended up doing a NYTimes ad (more targeted – 8000 people – $20 a piece – 2 page ad in the NYTimes. The ad didnt drive downloads, the MSM stories drove the traffic about the ad

scott – wants to know if there are questions open source and how someone here can help propel that thing of value

neccessity for successful proj is modularity – can cater to niche b/c it isnt all in the core

dylan greene – blogging software 5 yrs ago – how does he make $ while open sourcing

potential vc wouldnt see it as a money prod

Scott – dual licensing is one method – mysql, trolltech (go Zaurus!)

value for value

give away complete product, cross platform, license a seat (one time fee per dev, not per app or bundle) and that gives you proprietary licence – everything but ship code – pick how you fund the dev of the community

pay the devs and fund their efforts
works for vc, business clients and keep in the OS world
if someone wants to pay per license fee they can do both

Do VCs understand open source – answer = YES

its a competitive marketplace
find a way to give users a voice, give them feedabck, get involved
some way to speak bask – so THEY ARE INVESTED AND EMPOWERED

Citizen Media

David Geller, John Battelle, Dan Gillmor on Today’s Citizen Media

Debate by what chris meant by Citizen Media

battelele – a media guy, speaks for the authors
value with voice and pov
enjoy media – his space, Wired Magazine, BigPub, BoingBoing

His new project – search book, shows how his blog is an example of writing a book and blogging the process, thought he would only have a few people watching – ended up with a passionate audience that can aid in things you are doing – mentions how Dan Gilmore saw the same thing with his book.

Things Battelle has done recently:
boingboing – bring ads into site w/o destroying it
havent had to sell one ad – part of the conversation, endemic – the advertisers came to him

Citizen Media –
content owned by the people making it

federated media (Battelle’s new company, which includes boinboing I think) – puts this into practice

sharing info between people groups and systems within an organization
how do we make a company communicate?
area waiting to explode
easiest way to communicate within an organization
replace internet toold

Dan Gilmore
epiphany 1

    anyone who does anything in media, your audience knows more than you do collectively
    take adv of that = better work and better information from the ground up

epiphiany 2

    dave winer showing gilmore EDIT THIS PAGE (90s?)
    web has become as writable and it is readable
    media and citizens to do what you understand, the ability to be creators/pubs is a major transformation

grassroots media – bayosphere (Dan’s new company) – about tech economy and SF Bay Area
Citizens start tell each other what they know
vibrant sharing of what we know amongst each other

We are only at the beginning of this transformation
a lot to solve before we get anywhere with it

how do we find the good stuff????? – we will have to creat biz models around it – not entirely clear what those things are (thats half the fun)

Joh Battelle – what is the def of citizen media?

    undervalued – things being created in this room and without
    high quality conversations
    how are the marketers involved (not interrupted)
    how to do this as a full time passion – figure out that model


    representing the business side – the tools to help customers merge email and synd models effectively
    easier to use pub tools and models throughout
    everyone was building their own tools
    steep learnign curve

What we are familiar with is enabling – spreading thru the masses

Dan Gilmore-
vast majority of blogs, 90+%, and particularly written for the family and close friends, the value per reader must be higher than the val/reader of boingboing
(Value is relative to the person consuming – and I hate that word – the content)
doesnt like the word amateur in this context – its about personal passion
bizmodel for stuff in the middle like community theater – there is no business model except for the tool makers

new media dev – still hazy in how it shakes out from biz and journalizm
listen to us (the crowd, the citizens) as much as everythign else
citizen journalism pledge and the imp of being balanced

Crowd asks Dan Gilmore about the standards pledge for Bayosphere – he goes on to discuss how they put up an idea for the ‘rules’ – and the users took it, ripped it , remixed it, added their own thru a wiki

pledge asks that people who sign must confirm they will do their best to be balanced
people agreed to be honorable
sean bonner – ona wiki – not telling us what to do
we live in a world with a limit to time – cant read every post on slashdot
role for synthesis –

Big takeaway – in this new world the aritcle isnt the end of the conversation – its the middle

Joh Battelle
2002 – course with 2000 students – how to do journalism in a blog setting
if you can describe community morays and doc them you can make something
comes to concensus around these topics
liberating info (sharing) is a driving force in life

    people in local communities have a lot to tell each other whats going on, but papers cant do the in-depth job
    ability to tell each other what they know is important – still not that easy
    we are early in helping people do these things – first amendment is for everyone not just the designated press

Joh Battelle – press has that railroad disease of forgetting what biz they are in

we created these vehicles where we thought we knew what we were doing
debate having in this community – attaching a biz model to the content
if you are going to get these people to liberate information – need to fig a way to pay the bills
(my whole argument of value for value)

Keep believing some point this will change

Critical mass is what we need – create a show without network deals, or a contract or a service (only a matter of time)

    whats the value of an open conversation?
    model can change culture – starts with creatives changing the culture first
    commonsense copyright and patent law (this is an evolution)
    permission from them to quote from what they do

Tomorrow’s Syndication Part 1

Steve Gillmor, Dave Sifry, Scott Gatz on Tomorrow’s Syndication

Scott Gatz

Responsible for Yahoo!’s content syndication / RSS initiatives, Scott leads the team that redesigned My Yahoo! around RSS and integrated RSS into Yahoo! Mobile, Yahoo! News and the My Yahoo! Ticker. Gatz’s early career was diverse, ranging from television production at the Lifetime channel and NBC to product development and management for major information providers. In the early 1990’s, he spent two years managing a team at Reuters. Scott may be able to show us:

* How small changes can help big companies
* Where today’s emerging technologies might converge
* Why user friendliness is just as important as developer friendliness

Scott Gatz is wearing a tshirt that say “ONE HOT PIECE OF RSS”
Need to approach this with a broad perspective
consumer experience with yahoo is key
hope is that rss – we (people at this conference) can we take this tech and bring to mainstream

keeping it optimistic
millions of users using rss today
publishers, bloggers, can reach the audience right now

alot of people dont know rss or xml – and they shouldnt have to
how do we make it eash for these users
a lot of people doing more and more with rss than before
yahoo – working on media rss – photos, audio video – its beyond the post (blg post)

if you sub to flikr feed its presented like posts –
how do we make aggs that make content more sense?
how do we make tech that easy/convenient/integrated
where the user wants it

optimistic about consumers demadng the whowhatwhenwhere
where are the experiences where people are getting content?
playing in the living room as well as the desktop

no matter where – you can get your content
not in a reader – but in context
syndicated content alongside professionally produced content

dont limit me to one device/website/app
give it to me how i want
yahoo bought
relays pings – moving ot the real time web
moment somehtign changes you can know about it
United States Geological survey has an rss feed
they ping – you can know when it is happening (so know you can get a message on your mobile phone letting you know your building isnt collapsing, there is an earthquake – big laugh from the crowd)

content (no matter what type) on what they want – however they want it

Dave Sifry (technorati)
bowled over by MS announcement
we are sitting on top of it – not consumers/producers
This is a sesmic shift (giggle from the crowd – re: earthquake)

fundamentally different way to look at the web and internet as a whole – moving from thinking of the worlds biggest library (we think in pages, documentss, directories)

There is no deep understanding of how new things come into play

Sifry believes it is all about user gen content this decade – as the tools have gotten easier for average people to create podcasts and blogs and content and easier to consume (MS commentary) regular folks can now get all this stuff – on their terms

We still think of the web like a library, but there is a humungous river/event stream/ of state changes at any given moment. We need to be able to tap in a track all that stuff

not just about being timely or uptodate or always-on, , but also understand the concept of time in relation to the web

what can be done when we go from the library model (tons of docs to find and read) to people having conversations over time

Sifry wants the web as realtime as IM

tip of the iceberg – symptomatic of some of the changes over 3-5 years

    how do we add more structure? metadata or microfromats (
    how can we more effectively express this semistructure data format
    whats a calendar even look like
    what is you representation of ical as valid html – (hcal)

human oriented metadata formats, but KISS (Keep it Simple…)

just the start – thinking of the web as a realtime place

Steve Gilmore
Dare Abesanjo (the guy who created RSS Bandit and MS employee)- is one of his heroes – verbal and yet supportive of existing standards
no time to wait for any more stuff
get it working into our hands, get on with it
Steve then asks why Dare switched from Bloglines API to Newsgator “Dare – junking the useless proprietary synch standard from bloglines – will adopt another useless proprietary standard from newsgator”

Dare: To set a standard, you need to have other people follow it, newsgator and bloglines have no interest in listening/following Dare (which sux)

Sifry – gretest way for Yahoo to work is to take an open attitude – lets stand on each others shoulders and not on each others toes

Scott – we do what our users ask for

building a strong ecosystem of mobile (ubicomp anyone?) aggregation

help manage attention which is the 15 minute problem

DWiner – why are we selling another format? back end, interface – dave is nailing sifry, why cant yahoo operate a central service and store subs list ?

Yahoo guy – making it easy for mass consumption adoption, myyahoo – ind is built in
users need to be there

dwiner – why not do it before they do it – need someone with fin resources and central server and get operations


SGilmore – when are we gonna agree to do someothing and what will it take

25 mil people will wake up one morning with a persisitent download – how do we reduce the pile to the info we are looking for? Out prob, ours to fix. (Steve is the main proponent of attention.xml and this was sorta his broadsides)

adam bosworth a month ago – conv didnt go well, pushed xml down gates throat- important guy, but right now is unable to make a committment (which was in private a long time) how to solve this problem – good reasons why major vendors dont want to play ball – think proporietary cloud of metadata is supervaluable and cant afford to share

Steve Gilmore – we will all rise together or fall seperately – every roach motel (where you check in, but closed standards wont let you back out) will be excluded from the larger pie in the future.

Microsoft KeyStone Part 5

channel9 wikiw will be the comment/community process

Some in the audience are wondering if MS is trying to set standards and lockin
IETF and other format orgs in this area, why is MS going outside of them?
if we want to discuss these formats why arent they going to the standards groups

A couple of guys in the audience point out the standards groups arent very effective and darwinism (strong code survives) is a better test

RSS is seen as a transport of intelligent content

Others think this is embrace and extend lite – crowd claps…

why its diff than what we have seen before from MS???
(note – the MS guys are giving as good as they get and this really isnt that contentious (in the room).

MS defense –
we are here at gnomedex – looking talking, posting before we ship
extensions / standard – specifications for tags
under CC license (not being evil)

MS has new ideas for RSS and wants to see Devs really push it

Dean – “no one says you have to support the extensions”

2 new elements in this name space – see new specs at, I think Channel9

” A lot of Bits were sacrificed” in this debate

Will there be an updated winmedia player that is rss aware (like iTunes 4.9 coming out tomorrow – Dean is reticent to say yes, b/c that is a diff team)

Crowd – “how is security in place and are we opening new doors for attack (new vectors)?”

MS – couple ways they looked at it – team sat with (SDL – secure development lifecycle)

Big round of applause for the MS guys as they left the stage.

MS KeyStone Part 4

Example # 2 – photo blogs

took a bunch of pics, added them as enclosures
users says – this is interesting, i want to subscribe

According to MS there are so many other ways of visualizing

screensaver app with downloaded enclosures – title / tag / caption

diff way of viusalizing a photoblog – we are not limited when we tap into the subscribe action

developers can focus on what they are good at, let MS new extensions to RSS do the hard stuff. Its enabling, to MS is freeing ot the dev community.

other examples they could show
rss a photo library, or any list or data set

what is dave doing – lists, structured, outlines, etc.

lists of content – music, video playsits, event calendars, wishlists, new products, to do lists
top 10 lists, rankings, etc.

subscribe to a feed- more and more comes in, sub model doesnt always work for all lists (uses the example of a hierarchy where rankings change)

extensions to rss – id list as a list
set pivot points so you can slice the data
allows whoever is consuming the feed, and their aggregator, to know it is a list and should be diff
describe data in a feed allows who is consuming the feed to do rich things with that feed

RSS feeds from amazons wishlists
2 interesting scenarios
1. a wishlist
every time he changes or adds to the list it knows what to do (how to present or rank it, what categories it fits in, etc.)
when something removed or bought – rss doesnt know, needs to be told
If there is a lot of traffic in a list things are lost
allows publishers to make feeds as a list
adding the tag (new MS extensions) it marks the feed as a list
when an items postion moves, the state reflects what is on the site
rss understands feeds of seqential or time based data but also allows to capture
something mark was alluding to
wishlist – interactive data – add the price, sales rank, comments, RSS makes it possible to intro other metadata (photo, book, DTDs)
how does the client know what it is looking at
simpler than hierarchies

Pivots (display of data)
user should be able to filter based on pivots
website controls the pivots and the data
user can control views – how they see the data

tuned to the data available – no cds, no cd list (no emptys)
simple list extensions avail under CC license – sharealike license (MICROSOFT IS RELEASING SOMETHING UNDER THE CREATIVE COMMONS!!!!!!!!!!!!)

makes most sense from publishers POV, is flexible and licensing of iP around standards
build up on the standards and share their additoons

MS is encouraging others to build upon it easily (MS is giving something back – to me this is an olive branch, a price of admission, they want to play in the space… and as one presenter said later in the week, we arent ‘Early Adopters’, we are the LUNATIC FRINGE.

The MS guys now put up a video on the screen with ex-special master in the MS antitrust case and Creative Commons leader – Lawrence Lessig. He is psyched that MS is CC’ing something (didnt Gates/Ballmer say that CC was akin to communism????)

Lessig throws in a dig about how happy they are playing video recorded on a MAC and the crowd whoops it up.
code in devs hands PDC 2005 – sept
list extensions avail today (Dave Winer and a few others dont get to comment on this for a little while and start to hit it here and here. Seems like there is a deal brokered here)

summer – longhorn beta 1
content devs can use now AOL AOL AOL

more details at the ie team blog
Someone yells out where can we comment on it – SCOBLE nails it with a “See the WIKI on Channel 9! “(didnt get a chance to hang out with him, DAMN!)