Gnomedex 2007 – Guy Kawasaki – Art of Evangelism

1. Make Meaning

2. Make Mantra
Mission Statements rarely well done, committees
Usually bad
should be (examples
Wendys – Healthy Fast Food
Nike – Authentic Athletis

Dilbert Mission Statement Generator Website

VC – everyone came up with mission statement, he went to dilbert, out of 50 people, he came in 3rd

3. Roll the DICEE

Secret of Evangelism – Guy’s golden touch – whatever is gold, guy touches, not the other way around

what makes something golden?
D – Deep – lots of power, worthy, no buyers remorse, does a lot
Fanning sandal made by reef – has 2x the functionality – metal clip opens beer bottles

I Intelligent – someone was thinking
panasonc flashlight that takes 3x of batteries

C – Complete
not the software, the OEM, VARs, forum, support
the ecosystem
the plugins
all the stuff that surrounds the product
not just the lexis

E – Elegant
great = elegant
know immediately what to do
before ipod wheel – too

E – Emotive – evokes strong feelings
Harley davidson, APple

4. Niche thyself
vert – how unique is this
hor – value to consumer

all 2×2 matrices – go to the upper right 0 best place
lower right – always competing on price
top right – no value but you are the only one – you are stupid
bottom left – dotcom – dogfood
sweet spot – top right – uniquwe product, service, website software
meaning, margin history

fandango – great example
quicksilver watches
Breitling emergency
LG kimchee refigrerator

to be a successful evangelist it would be good if your product was high and to the right

great products and services are, like our president, happen when you are high and to the right

5. Let a hundred flowers blossom

The existence of God is the only reason for Apple’s continued survival

6. Make it personal
make evangelism personal
describe product or service in real terms – relevant to the people

7 Find the true influencers
sstartups get this wrong
CxO person – title and power – most startups want them – guys exp – the higher you go the thinner the air, the less intelligent life
find influencers, tech, admin,
CxO got to where they are by suckin up

8. Enable people to testdrive your product

9. look for agnostics, not atheists – too much trouble

10 Provide a slippery slope
10k to the sierra club, chain self to tree – all counterproductive if you are looking for evangelist
bring them into your cause
dont try to force wholesale change

11. dont let bozos grind you down
dont listen to them
2 kinds –
A. slightly disgusting, body odor , lives with mom – a loser – not dangerous
B. successful, rich, well known = smart – its a big leap
Dangerous Bozosity

“Its too far to drive and I dont see how it can be a business.”
– Guy Kawasaki, Bozo
On turning down the job as CEO at Yahoo

Gnomedex 2007 – Darren Barefoot


Economy of Language
pay by the word for telegrams

Currency comparisons
$ to Canadian $ to Lire, to Linden Dollars to WoW gold

Gravestone – He Pimped Some Software

how to revise what gets written on your tombstone

How to do good – hard to quantify

Economists and social scientists… watch out 🙂


Moulin Wiki – offline copy of wikipedia
all contents of wikipedia on one CD
dist to people with internet but not computer
600 CDs to west africa
translate wikipedia into local languages

Denmark – 5% volunteer but fewer donate
America is the reverse

Gross National Happiness
Can we do good by making people happy

Satisfaction with Life Index – Green is the happiest
launch microfundraising operations in your community

Build something that helps other people do good
build something great

Darren announces his project – nothing but a thought experiment

1% of cred = a lot of staceys

Gnomedex 2007 – Kickoff Mixer

Met some really cool folks at the geek dinner and kickoff mixer:

Jim McCusker –
Validated, approved, video content clipping/sharing

Dave Schappell –
Very cool connection network, matching application for subject matter experts and potential students. Not schoolwork but dance lessons, or guitar lessons, language, etc.

Chris Brogan –
Very cool guy, friend of Debs (isn’t everyone?), Videoblogging list member, PodCamp organizer (great show) and his day job is Video On the Net (VON conference)

Shelly Farnham – Waggle Labs –
Met SHelly and Peter last night at the geek dinner. These guys have a very fun potentially addictive game project (like an Alternate Reality Game)

Gnomedex 2007 – Robert Steele – Keytone

Big message – BLOG THAT!

Find the video at

Digg the slides:

Open Source
Open Hardware
Open Spectrum
Open Communications
Open Business
Open Money
Open Culture
Open Networks
Open Society
Open Government
Open Borders
Open Search
Open Schools/Library
Open Minds
Open Space
Open Carry
Open Everything

Peter Drucker – focus on the I in IT

Amazon, 900 reviews, every one in chron order – why can’t i org my reviews?
Whole electronic world is out to lunch
Bezos – end user driven innovation

Running on Empty – how dems and reps are destroying republic

We need to run a global national debate – 12 policies, 10 threats, 8 challenges

Fed govt broken in every way

weekly report per zipcode

China – taking over – teaching chinese free across the 3rd world, gonna take over argentina

war of minds across the globe – provide free online education, in every language
hand out cell phones
DOD residual sat capability
take back bandwidth
get into understanding THEN changing perceptions

Howard Bloom – Global Brain

Katrina was a major turning point in public perception

we can do better than CIA

“Your Government is Stupid”

Get amazon to understand – harness writers and readers in locale – readers + bloggers + experts = magic happens on any subject

easy – all you have to do it do it

Fun, informative presentation…

Gnomedex: Labor of Love as a business model

My favorite tech/social software/meeting cool people conference is HAPPENING.

Gnomedex aims to be a tech zeitgeist – where today’s ideas and thinkers come together – although the direction of our conference may change in the following years. The conference industry certainly has affronted us several challenges, since we refuse to play the games that other conferences do. Gnomedex is still largely a labour of love (though also a small part of our business model).

Gnomedex 2006 – Dave Dederer

Guitarist and vocalist for THE PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES

Now doing PR for non-profits (Pyramid communications)
With Guitar – Playing some velvet underground (started with Kum-Bay-Ya)

Junkies skulking in the shadows – like web2.0 business – lots of money but no clear way to do it

quiick sketch

explain business model in clear manner

draw a contrast from business to music business

manager – 20-25%

business manager – 20%
lawyer 5%

publicist – 4k per month

marketing – 4k/mo

touring – easiet to control revenue

revenues, corporate gigs

your recordings

publishing income (writing the songs)mechanical royalties, folio publishing

performance income

merchandise – anything not music – large part of profit off of merch

integrating advertisers into site (not just cpm) – dogster and
Dave – iTunes is hugely successful for them

notin the music business anymore – music is a piece of it

what will bridge the gap

hands on with marekting and promotion

how can we help music people get it – whats the end game?

Shannon – music is microcommunity world

small passionate communites that are not geo but cenereed on passion

podcast hotel

Corey from IODA – big deal for mech publishing

dist to ituenss napster rhapsody

buy links with music file on the blog post – IODA pushes it through promonet

eventful – pushing fans and artists together

digital music distro – live performance and events

increase upside for artists

nobody wants to put their balls into one vice

apple vert integrated – transititonal step

music – online – is at 1/2 % of potential

music – is it a democratized industry

Warner Bros guy – relationship with artists can be closer

net – better platform for fanaticism

great session

Gnomedex 2006 Mike Arrington

Sitting in the crowd at Gnomedex and it is just as good as last year.

Mike Arrington – speaking now about the Web2.0 and small companies and what the environment is like

its the best time ever for a startup

advertising spending is a huge part

Mitch Radcliffe brings up why net neutrality will negatively affect the startup world

Youtube was a lot of work – not

Need a FUD word in the network neutrality debate – need to call it net discrimination
Arrington wants to talk about fun stuff

Heather from Fox M&A is here

be careful about trashing – success means diff things to diff people

digg is an ex of one that will make money

VC is flowing in at a higher rate