More reasons to love Iceland

Thanks to Brand Noise

So my buddy Ace (East India Branding Co.) is probably the world’s biggest evangelist for travelling to Iceland. Now this:

Icelandic fishermen pull tons of pristine cod from North Atlantic waters every year, selling it fresh or preserved with salt. Icelandic lamb has never eaten a mouthful of grain or seen a syringe of antibiotics. The country’s butter is deeply yellow with a high fat content, produced from cows with a pure lineage that can be traced back to Norwegian Viking herds.

The nation of Iceland is doing more to promote their natural, high quality products. It would be neat to see if someone took a stab at marketing some of these products the way Hugh @ GapingVoid has done with Stormhoek and English Cut.

Pretty Cool:

Fun – iTunes and Ticketmaster

From PaidContent

Depeche Mode, Ticketmaster and iTunes are teaming up to offer a new music-ticket option. Starting today, iTunes pre-orders of the group’s new album “Playing the Angel” come with a password good for the chance to purchase up to four tickets for some of the band’s 2005 concerts. Those with passwords get a 10-day head start before the general public tickets go on sale Sept. 24.

Pretty neat – iTunes knows your buying history and music preferences. Ticketmaster can leverage that to target both the bands you listen to and music you might like. What would be more interesting is if they started sharing the data in the reverse – “we noticed you went to the Social Distortion concert the other night, would you like to buy their new single for a low low price of…” – HYSTERICAL

Ok – So this guy needs a G5 for work (he is a video editor) but he cant afford the 5k price tag. So he creates a site to get donations (if 20,000 people give him a quarter, he will get to the $5K number).

Please please please watch the video until the end where he discusses his friend Jace. Its worth it.

Considering whats going on with the Katrina Refugees, I think he has the worst timing in the world. Then again, he has gotten almost $1500 bucks.

I would considering giving him $10 bucks , but would rather see him give the G4 to MOUSE or another non-profit that could use it (he plans on blowing it up).

Click here to check out the site

Dwarfs face bulls in Mexico’s mini-fights


“It’s scary when you are face to face with a bull. It hurts when you get hit. And it’s dangerous if the bull falls on you,” said Antonio Garcia, 40. Before entering the ring, he showed off scars on his head and dental repairs needed after run-ins with bulls.

Thanks to SignOnSanDiego.

and FARK

“I’m thinking it’s the best way to piss (the French) off,”

I have avoided the bashing of the French and their government, but this is really outstanding:

The seven-times Tour de France winner has also been contemplating a possible come-back at the French Grand Tour 2006 although the Texan retired from the sport just a few weeks ago. “I’m thinking about it,” Armstrong told The American Statesman’s Suzanne Halliburton. “I’m thinking it’s the best way to piss (the French) off,” he added, in response to French newspaper L’Equipe, which reported on August 23 that it had proof that Armstrong used the banned drug EPO in the Tour 1999, the first Tour the American won.

Read the whole article here.

Thanks to FARK for the pointer.

Thanks to

Gnomedex 2006 Baby

My favorite-conference-for-life is Gnomedex. Hands down, it is the best. Best speakers, best crowd (Lunatic Fringe), best topics, and I got to do some sightseeing in Seattle.

This week Chris and Ponzi opened up the idea of Gnomedex 2006, and floated the idea that there be 2 Gnomedexes. The response was, well, very gnomdexy. Everyone weighed in with suggestions as to where the next event should be held. Some were for the idea of 2 events, and others were against.

The fact that they would ask is the best part. Chris and Ponzi maintain the Gnomedex mailing list, keeping the tribe in touch. The maintains the links and wiki still, 3 months after the conference. There is even a gnomedex participants blog that I read religiously.

My only regret is missing the first 4 gnomedexes

The First Machinima Talk Show!

In-game machinima talk-show with random Halo players shooting guests.

Awesome post from Boing-Boing about “This Spartan Life” an in-game talk show for X Box Live HALO. The best part?

Of course, there are lots of Halo players who aren’t in on the gag, crashing through the “set” and opening fire on the apparently slow-moving and non-lethal guest, host and crew, which only adds to the general awesomeness of this thing (excellent commentary on this here).

Check out the BoingBoing article here:

The home page for This Spartan Life is here:

The Thinking Machinima blog is here:

Create Digital Music’s article here:

Outstanding – Dance Dance Immolation

Thanks to Joystiq for finding this one.

To quote the philosopher Butthead “This is the coolest thing I have ever seen”

If you don’t risk your life enough by slipping on dance pads (or by embarrassing everyone you love who’s watching you), then this Dance Dance Revolution hack, called Dance Dance Immolation, might be just the thing for you. What happens in DDI is that you dance like in any iteration of DDR, but when you do poorly, instead of simply losing points or possibly failing a level, you get blasted in the face with flamethrowers while in the protective suit you see here.

Mmmmm… Burning Man