Gnomedex: Labor of Love as a business model

My favorite tech/social software/meeting cool people conference is HAPPENING.

Gnomedex aims to be a tech zeitgeist – where today’s ideas and thinkers come together – although the direction of our conference may change in the following years. The conference industry certainly has affronted us several challenges, since we refuse to play the games that other conferences do. Gnomedex is still largely a labour of love (though also a small part of our business model).

Digital Supertasker Bill Cammack on NewTeeVee

Most people who know Bill are unsure about how he gets it all done:
An army of personal assistants who Twitter, Pownce, Videoblog, party, photograph, record and edit hundreds of hours of film for him?
A clone?

Interview with the man himself and how he started getting involved with videoblogging, and his approach/philosophy:

The exact same skills, sensibilities and sensitivities go into creating a video for the internet as go into video for television.

GEICO does not cover Autobot Matrix of Leaderships.

From McSweeneys… Awesome

And the list goes on. Mr. Prime, I am going to remind you again: Your policy with GEICO only reimburses you for accidents that occur while you are engaged in the reasonable use of your truck and trailer. As I told you when you originally purchased the policy, GEICO does not offer Megatron coverage, Starscream coverage, Soundwave coverage, Decepticon coverage, or Energon-blast coverage. Those are just not the types of damages we would expect from reasonable use.

the best website i have seen all week…

Miranda July (who did an indie film in 2005 that got lots of acclaim) has a new website to promote her recent book No One Belongs Here More Than You.

The content management system is a whiteboard and photos
The content layer is not done in xml, its a dry erase marker
The whiteboard isn’t a whiteboard, it’s the top of her refrigerator 🙂

miranda july photo

For the whole amazing thing, check out the site here

Thanks to the amazing blog of Warren Ellis for the pointer (he was pointing out the recommendation for his new, highly anticipated new book Crooked Little Vein… which is how I find most of my links – by accident/link hopping/recommendations from voices i trust)

Brilliant – Modest Mouse: Missed the Boat

Thanks to the unique and original Halley for the pointer

This is a Modest Mouse video done by Max Tyrie as told by Wooster Collective

“There is no compositing, no shortcuts, just lots of blood, sweat and tears, and a huge Kinkos bill!”…. Max

Read the whole story of how this was done at: Wooster Collective

oh you fools… please dont screw this up

After A dismal attempt (remember Johnny Mnemonic?) to make a film based on the works of William Gibson, now they are bringing Neuromancer to the big screen:

neuromancer graphic novel cover

As one of my all-time favorite novels, I am excited and scared – excited that we finally have the visual effects to make the scenes from the book work. Scared because, according to, THEY HAVE THE GUY WHO DIRECTED TORQUE AND A FREAKIN BRITNEY SPEARS VIDEO LEADING THE PROJECT.

Neuromancer was a 385 page book… Not a short story like New Rose Hotel. Not an “adaptation” of a PKD story where the only things kept from the original is the character’s name (hello, NEXT?). This is one of the foundations of cyberpunk, and someone thinks its a good idea to give the project to this guy, and not Peter Jackson, or Brian Singer, or David Fincher?