John Hodgman’s Secret Society

I am afraid to find out what 11 visits will get me.

“You’ve probably never heard of them…”

Hipsters of Westeros…

If these movies were made back in the day…




I have no words to express how much I love these.

The greatest things I have seen in such a long time…

Some of my favorite authors include…


Personal favorite authors: William Gibson – Cory Doctorow – Bruce Sterling – Samuel R. Delany – Neal Stephenson

Seriously half of my book collection alone consists of work by them.


Peanuts + 90s rap lyrics =


Mark Drew’s latest art show Deez Nuts mashes up Peanuts comic strip with 90’s rap lyrics.


Inspiration is the great con of art. The odds of inspiration hitting at any particular time are about the same as being hit by a meteor while eating a Philly Cheese Steak with Sasquatch. You want inspiration? Work harder the day before so you know where to start today.

Me (via kadrey)

The nature of the innovation established by Creative Commons, by the Free Software Movement, by Free Culture, which is reflected in the Web in the Wikipedia, in all the Free Software operating systems now running everything, even the insides of all those locked-down vampiric Apple things I see around the room. All of that innovation comes from the simple process of letting the kids play and getting out of the way.

Adam Savage on Obsession

I love the Interwebs (think it was for giving me access to stuff like this:

So I found Adam Savage’s (from MythBusters) Dec 12, 2008 presentation on that he gave at the Entertainment Gathering (Richard Saul Wurman’s new conference), on his own obsession with things, in this case, the Dodo and the Maltese Falcon. Along the way he discusses some of his background as a model maker, the history of these objects, and a pretty amazing community of movie prop afficianados/fanatics that he spends a lot of time with. The video includes:

  • the Dodo (and how the last complete Dodo skeleton was “destroyed” in a fire) and his attempts to have his own
  • the Maltese Falcon and his attempts to have his own
  • the connection of the Maltese Falcon to the Black Dahlia, James Ellroy the author
  • How Savage has a hand-held laser scanner that fits in a cereal box

My favorite part is the closing:

… and then maybe, then, I’ll achieve the end of this exercise. But really, if we are all gonna be honest with ourselves, I’ll have to admit that achieving the end of the exercise was never the point of the exercise to begin with was it?

The SPIRIT’s Day Off – with @BillCammack!

So my good friend Halley and I were chatting the other day about work and video and she asked if I had seen Bill Cammack in a new vid for IndyMogul… I said NO (most of the time I see Bill’s work on his own videos, be he is a good friend to a LOT of videobloggers so I wasn’t surprised). He is a special guest star in this episode and plays the “Millipede” (as opposed to SLJ’s Octopus) in their takeoff of what the SPIRIT does on his day off.

Play it below or click through here:

How did they get the tie red while most of the rest was in Black and White? (see the comments, there will be a special, “the making of The Spirit’s Day Off!).

You can check out Bill’s own blog and videos here, and his twitterfeed here.