Blogging about blogging at a blogging conference

Considering all the crap I have been dealing with on this vacation (personal and biz) GNOMEDEX HAS FINALLY STARTED!

Going forward I will be liveblogging the event so I apologize in advance. I am now cleaning up/editing/adding context to the content so it will make more sense.

In Seattle, getting ready for GNOMEDEX!

So I spent the day dealing with some strat development for one of our biggest clients (wakin up at 6:30 to do a call with NYC)

Then I went sightseeing… Pike Place Market, Space Needle, EMP and the Museum of SciFi. Fun, long walk and then some power napping before the big event.

And tonight is the kickoff to Gnomedex


So the opening night registration/mixer was great. Dave Winer shook hands with Adam Curry, There was an evacuation due to a fire upstairs, we went thru a ton of food and drinks and hung out with some really cool people. It was weird to be in a room with so many people whose work I have been following/reading/using/enjoying/recommending for years.

hit with keyword gnomedex for HUNDREDS of photos from the event.

Mirrormask trailer online

Neil Gaiman, one of my favorite authors (comic book and book) has recently completed a movie with Dave McKean called Mirrormask. Check out the trailer here:

Check out Gaiman’s work on Sandman, Marvel 1602 (comics), Neverwhere and American Gods (novels). They are really great stories with action, and suspense and weeeeeeiiiirrrrrdddddd.

Instant Outlining!

The thing I am really looking forward to at Gnomedex is the density of demos at the event. Dave Winer’s debut of Instant Outliner. Adam Curry is bringing something new. Dean Hachamovitch is keynoting and presenting on Longhorn.

Check out John Robb’s comments on Dave Winer’s instant outlinerhere

It connects IM, weblog publishing (a weblog is essentially a published outline), RSS (if RSS items are brought into the outline), and outlining in a new way that radically improves team productivity.

I have been searching in vain for some groupware for the boutique ad agency I work for for about a year now. MS Project is too unwieldy and most of the open source apps dont fit the bill. Shrinkwrap? too expensive.

Cant wait to see what Dave & co. is cooking up.

Gaping Void Rocks

Gaping Void ROCKS

Hugh Macleod’s GapingVoid is a great site. The commentary is awesome and the cartoons are always great.

Above is hysterical. We have been having lots of discussions internally and with clients about the use (and overuse and flashturbatory use) of Flash in our projects and the web in general.

Don’t be that guy.

Gnomedex SOLD OUT

Chris Pirillo (Lockergnome) is reporting that Gnomedex is sold out this year. Glad I bought in a month ago.

I will be taking some vacation in 2 weeks to head out to Seattle to see what all the buzz is about. Dave Winer and Adam Curry will be keynoting, and a ton of other people who I have been following for the last few years are going to be there and I am really excited to see how it all plays out. This is another reason why I am ‘eating the dogfood’.

It will be interesting to see how Dave and Adam’s interaction works out. No doubt they will both be total professionals, but I am interested in seeing how their very different views are recieved by the crowd.

Check out Gnomedex here for the details.