So now when my mom google’s my name she actually sees the Sean Bohan who drove her crazy (as opposed to all of those other Sean Bohan – who are those guys anyway?)
Hi Mom.
You don’t have to think too hard about this category
So now when my mom google’s my name she actually sees the Sean Bohan who drove her crazy (as opposed to all of those other Sean Bohan – who are those guys anyway?)
Hi Mom.
Jimmy James Mashup of the Beatles Sgt Perppers Lonley Hearts Club Band and Guns & Roses Paradise City (used by Adam Curry in his closing Keynote at Gnomedex) can be found
Thanks Twilight Universe..
“In any other room, I’m the über-geek. Here, I’m just a guy. ”
Well put.
J.D. Lasica was the ‘DJ between the lines’ at Gnomdex last week, providing a ton of music for the conference when we were waiting for the next panel to start up, or checking out the shwag we just scored.
Here is a great listing the ‘Gnomedex Soundtrack’
So 1 week ago Gnomdex kicked off… what a blast.
I have been spending a little time each day revising my liveblogging of the panels and unconferences. Man, I am not a touch typist and this was a ton of work. It has really been fun to clean it up and relive a little bit of what was going on at the time. I keep needing to recheck gnomedex‘ s wiki for speaker info, correct spellings of names etc. I havent blogged at all since the conference ended, and I am a little disappointed about that. The biggest disappointment I have with my own blogging is that calendar on your right. Every time I see a date in the past that is not in bold it pisses me off.
Somebody call Rich Hall and get a Sniglet going for that.
Hopefully this experiment turned obsession with blogging will pay off by improving my writing as well as my processing, and analysis of information.
Last up, I will finish up my notes from JD Lasica’s presentation on citizen media. Incredibly fun. JD mentioned me on his blog the other day, and for some strange reason my traffic is through the roof. Been reading his book Darknet since gnomedex and it is gggggrrrrreeeeeaaaaattttt!
Hmmmm…. And when you google “one hot piece of rss” I am the only ranking. Hysterical.
So in the last few months I have been cleaning and sharpening my pitch on participatory media/RSS/blogging/podcasting.
I recently got a few friends to create their own blogs, started my own, and have successfully convinced one of my biggest clients to start doing a podcast along with pushing RSS through their organization.
Browse -> Search -> Subscribe.
Adam Curry takes the stage.
Interestingly enough, Adam realized the other day it was his 199th Daily Source Code (his podcast).
Adam has decided to do the 200th DSC with the crowd, at GNOMEDEX… LIVE!
AC is the closing keynoter of gnomdex. This guy can really demo, tons of stage presence.
Adam shares with the crowd the reason why DSC is 40 min long – back in the day Adam would create podcasts and ask Dave Winer what he thought of this part or that part. Dave would have missed it and Adam couldnt figure out why. Turns out, Dave would play Adam’s podcast on his walk (which was only 40 minutes). Everything after the first 40 minutes would be missed.
In the tradition of Dave Winer’s Unconference vibe, (term coined from bloggeron) which starts the conference off with a song we all sing together… Adam has decided to present a mashup at the end of the conference:
Sgt Peppers Paradise – jimmy james (Sgt Peppers with Paradise City)
(this is hysterical – people dancing and doing the wave in the back)
JD Lascia just hatted Scoble with a Firefox hat on the red couch
1969 some of the brightest and creative musicians got together for woodstock
gnomdex is a lot like woodstock
100s of the most talented creative minds with new instruments and the world is moving with us
1000s of blogposts from technorati, flikr with millions of photos
WE ARE THE MEDIA – it is astounding
What message should we be sending from Gnomedex?
We need to take back the media in our hearts, not just our hands
Internet is powerful marketing and communication tool/platform
we need to admit it and embrace it
A lot like Free Love – we need to be continuouly enabling that
bringin in our audience, making them a part of it
people catching on to it
early adopters? -> we are the lunatic fringe
MS we need fuel, Apple we need fuel, audible we need fuel
we are telling you what we want
how are we gonna get this done?
Yesterday on Ginlmore gang – 2000 meeting w/ DW and it spurred dave to do enclosures
reeses peanut butter cups analogy (2 great tastes that go great together)
results in huge media files, posting talking
peanut butter and choc got old and nothing happened
Thnk of the movie BIG with Tom Hanks
Dave Winer is a Developer and Adam was a user. Like BIG – magic happened when they swtiched places – Adam became the DEV and Dave became the USER
how did that happen?
Adam Curry was recieveing new content from Dave
showing up automatically
when Dave Winer became frustrated with radio and trad media he wanted to make it himself
Steve Gillmore inspired him
result – programs or shows or audioblogs that come down to dave recording with
microphones falling, breaking, totally amateur, totally loving it.
Adam had his own frustrations
2nd bloggercon – Adam asked devs ‘how do i move files automagically from the feed to the device” – the same way Dave Winer was asking radio guys how do i record, get a better sound, techniques, gear etc.
seems like we should be able to create something that ids an enclosure and puts it on the ipod
AC built the piece that made life easier for him – The BIG moment and another example of users and devs partying together
thats what helped Podcasting take off
swapped roles = different dimension
experiences quickly and efficiently now
(huge laugh, round of applause from the crowd)
writing for machines is an artform like writing for humans
(more applause)
Adam hopes there are devs who learned a lot about users
the problem is, easy shit gets done last
Users and Devs work for big companies too – they are just people
Podcasting support is being built into itunes (HUGE)
We as a community, the lunatic fringe, need a better ‘signal to noise ratio’ in the conversations
we need to promote the power of subscription, extend the reach of subscriptions, make more things subscribable
Subscriptions are the dream of the Main Stream Media – thats why they want media by appointment (3pm timeslots,
Curry’s challenge to the lunatic fringe:
1. fix some things now – get one click subscription working now (Hear Hear)
2. Aggregators said ealier “we are switzerland” – Adam jokes that Switzerland is a neutral and expensive place to live – Aggregators hold the key to this stuff
3. Users want to watch and read and write and create audio and video
4. Metadata – there is good work going on, MS lists, Apple namespace, Media RSS from Yahoo!
5. attention.xml – we need to get on it – critical we get it going (big tip of the hat to Steve Gilmore)
6. Bandwidth is still an issue – time to make a corner turn on p2p – for podcasting and others – fully intend to implement and support bittorrent, use the distributed swarm to move files, create a real efficiency in downloads
Adam looks forward to working with aggregator developes and making it work, and making cool stuff happen. Huge potential with the group we have seen and met here at Gnomedex.
Amazing changes will happen in the next 6 months
music industry is part of the media we will take back quickly
tools for pros are the same as the amateurs: Pro Tools, Audtion, Garage Band
Its all about how talented we are – same quality tools that Mick Jagger is using (Garage Band) -same push into the world
sales mechanisms are getting into place – cdbaby – itunes with podsafe tracks
what are we missing? look at the music indust we have today – awesome power of dist thru radio
when is the last time you heard a DJ say I love this band! – you dont hear that any more
amazing thing happend last year – stumbled across music from band in NY – Lascivious Biddies. Adam liked it, sent an email, asked to play their songs on a podcast – they approved – after it played, email from Leanne Westover – they sold 200 cds in one day as a result of the podcast – the economics are there – 90% profit into the pocket of the band –
Now the biddies are 5-600 room sellouts
podcasters are listenting to each other
playing a track with emails from all over the worls – rob koslow – as a result of sharing his music – booked in 1k seat room gigs, doing movie scores, passing the info, what it is putting them in touch wiht the creators of the music
Adam is playing Rob Koslow music now
A guy with a keyboard – playing with the tools he has – sharing and generating rev and attention go out in the world and continue with his art.
message to the world – we are talking back our media – to the hearts and minds of the people.
Adam thanks the people who made the Gnomedex conference possible. Thank all the devs for what they are doing, David Winer – rss, podcasting, opml, respect and love
RScoble – running MS (huge laughs)
Chris and Ponzi (huge applause)
DSC ends…
Rousing cheers, Standing ovation for Chris and Ponzi
Gnomdex is over
Matt Westervelt, Asa Dotzler, Scott Collins, Matt Mullenweg on Tomorrow’s Open Source
Open source – wordpress, firefox, opensource is changing things
Introductions of each
OS projects on merits of highquality, free products
in 6 or 8 months – 80 million downloads of firefox
F/OSS on the cusp of mainstream
WordPress (thanks WP!) at the front of that
How do you market an F/OSS project
gonna hand over the messaging and the brand and identity to the volunteers – more vocal and more effective
millions of users can be wrong
cant do that with a bad product
why does the testimonial work? cause you trust that guy – its about volume and scale
how did MattM (WOrdpress) go from Zero to Hero
WP is an evolution of a product – when WP started it couldnt find users – he gave to friends – couldnt get people to develop for it
The key is user driven products vs. feature driven products
growth of firefox and wordpress – lg commercial players well funded doing it longer seeing their market share eaten by community, bottom up movement
Asa – Firefos is still in the early stages – hasn’t crossed the chasm
firefox ad in the WSJ – a fan of the product felt it was a great way to promote the product – raise $$$ to spread firefox by buying the ad.
citizen media – firefox ended up doing a NYTimes ad (more targeted – 8000 people – $20 a piece – 2 page ad in the NYTimes. The ad didnt drive downloads, the MSM stories drove the traffic about the ad
scott – wants to know if there are questions open source and how someone here can help propel that thing of value
neccessity for successful proj is modularity – can cater to niche b/c it isnt all in the core
dylan greene – blogging software 5 yrs ago – how does he make $ while open sourcing
potential vc wouldnt see it as a money prod
Scott – dual licensing is one method – mysql, trolltech (go Zaurus!)
value for value
give away complete product, cross platform, license a seat (one time fee per dev, not per app or bundle) and that gives you proprietary licence – everything but ship code – pick how you fund the dev of the community
pay the devs and fund their efforts
works for vc, business clients and keep in the OS world
if someone wants to pay per license fee they can do both
Do VCs understand open source – answer = YES
its a competitive marketplace
find a way to give users a voice, give them feedabck, get involved
some way to speak bask – so THEY ARE INVESTED AND EMPOWERED
Late for the Gilmore Gang because I was hanging out with Asa (from Mozilla Foundation) and Chris Pirillo’s mom and dad.
So I walk in to…
How is attention.xml in the mix?
A tv network becomes an RSS feed
metadata in id3 is limited, media rss a great step – not diff to imlement – we need to have better metadata
DaveWiner is not a fan of mediaRSS
whats happeneing with itunes – they are putting podcasitng on the map
perspective from Doug Kaye its all about levels of influence – there are 400 people at the conference, a lot of conversations at itconversations – the people in the room are the small fraction of the influence sphere of the event. The podcasts from Gnomedex will be heard by 150-200k people – the sphere is larger.
adam curry talking about hitting the 100 million mark in a couple of years.
dave winer – validation doesnt come from 100s of millions – people at both ends dont know the tech exists – we need the universality
bittorent and peer to peer bandwidth sharing is key
bittorrent is huge and the solution – has gained traction, is efficient, is cheap (bandwidth wise) is fast, is not streaming and most importantly is getting stigmatized…
extension allows youto inc bt object within a feed
Curry – need a p2p solution
bandwidth is expensive
grokster case and BT
Dan Gilmore – the more we use bittorrent, the more we legitimize it, the more we promote it the more will use it (its a virtuous cycle).
Steve Gilmore – podcasting is the salvation for bt (so is ourmedia!)
someone brings up fair use and the stigmatization of BT and then…
Dave Winer – not infringing is stronger than fair use, real use, our use will legitimize
“validation is if mom listens to my podcast”
100mil – first time form and content not married – audio not linked to radio or record, video not linked to tv – form-free content (big idea)
Questions of how do we challenge the old bizmodels and how media is created
Dave Winer – dont just think of it as a media or content play – what about productivity app – sales organization might produce a memo int he form of a podcast (how do we take the tech and do something not expected)
major companies know about it, lectures in podcast for colleges, shows is ok, its more about distribution
‘shows’ not the only way it should be used
For universities and learning organization, the buzz – this is learning on demand – they get it
revolution in how we look at media – intermingled – not about podcasting – a new sphere of control
Dave has open sourced his new outliner/OPML editor and wants to open it up to the world
Throw some tools in the mix – play and present probs with solutions.
Uses that are possible include groupware, project management, front end to your blogging software, making structured lists, writing outlines, narrating your work, telling a story, participation.
When you are narrating the work, you are more organized and you will use it more. Dave uses his experience at Userland as an example of how well it works in a team/proj/dev environment.
Features up to us
Dave wont force his vision on others
Dave Winer takes the stage to a ton of applause.
Today he is talking about software, and his common theme of Developers and Users partying together. He will be doing his keynote in Unconference style (his fav thing). It is patterned after the blogosphere – no speakers, no panels, no audience, not top->down, just a conversation. Dave believes that regardless of how smart the speakers are, the smarts are with us (collectively?), not up there on the stage.
Note – connectivity was problematic the first day of the event, sometimes to the point of distraction. While Chris warned the event space time and time again about how serious the guests would be they seem to have underestimated demand and usage. There are more than a few guys here with multiple machine, and a couple of videobloggers and podcasters who, while not streaming will be uploading some big-ass files. Slashdot down due to the overload from this IP – too many agg’s hitting the same site at once.)
Dave –
Unconferneces are like blogs, there is no need for an editor to approve our discussion or transmission of ideas – its a conversation between 400 people. The same thing is true of the web as a dev environment. Its the platform with out the platform vendor. In Dave’s opinion, the Internet lets us break free from the big companies as described in his:
Bill Gates VS the Internet post form a couple of years ago. The Intenet is like the Timex watch ads from back in the day (takes a lickin and keeps on tickin).
With connectivity up and down, Dave takes some time to talk about the issues we will be discussing and how MS people are gonna show they ‘get it’ , and how we can all participate in the internet environment – no one gets to decide how we work. Competition prevents domination(there is a little controversy to this later, as some say Dave broke a non-disclosure agreement in a previous blog posting, but it seems BS, and Dave discusses it here.
At this point Dave asks if we can get some discussion from the crowd, and… Chris is doing the DONAHUE! (both Chris, his fiancee, Mom and Dad have done an incredible job running, managing, and keeping the discussion going. They are runnign thru the space taking questions with a wireless mike).
A large bunch of us just killed our wifi connections so Dave could pull an IP address and start the demo. He just demoed the first half of his new OPML editor/outliner. I am in the beta group for this last week and it seems so cool. It aint aesthetically pretty, but it is elegant and simple and more importantly FULL OF POTENTIAL. Oh yeah, and Dave releaseed it under the GPL (yeah Open Source!). Someone just asked if there was a spellchecker, Dave – in a amusing tone told us we can add one. It seems like he is really making this as open and extensible as possible (even though he admits it wont be ready for release for another 3-4 weeks. Dave feels this is the next thing after RSS
Instant outline is like instant messagin
A way of extending outlines, and LISTS (this subject will get bigger with the MS announcement)
Dave points out that this is competition without control (none of the big players created the big tech they take adv of now)
More to come…