Brilliant – Sony, Cingular, Ford go D.I.Y.

Thanks to the guys at Media Meld for pointing to this new campaign from Sony, Cingular and Ford.

Basically, people who subscribe to this site get forewarned about 10 surprise (“Flash”) concerts throughout the year via the web or their cell phone. But here is where the cultural connection happens. The promotion contains all these details that play off of recent DIY web-culture. We get it all: a blog, a piece of software that allows us to create music Mash-ups a la Dangermouse’s Grey Album, they even throw in some podcasts for good measure.

I love it. Ford is a past client and I am doing work for Sony now. The program they have put together is great – spontaneous, web enabled, wireless, citizen media, PR… cant wait to see how this turns out.

Four Docs from PSFK

Thanks to PSFK for the following:

Four Docs is launched today as a new opportunity and avenue for anyone to make and upload a four minute documentary. Hosted and run by Channel 4 (in the UK) the website also offers many guides for people planning on making their documentary.

FourDocs represents the democratisation of documentary film-making. Everyone can join in, not just those who are already making films.

This fits in with the citizen media ideas I have rolling thru my head and the really cool stuff Marc Canter and JD Lasica have been sharing on their blogs.

Online Advertising 2005 – this November

Well, Jason Calcanis (formerly the guy behind Silicon Alley Reporter and now the guy behind Weblogs Inc) has just announced OnlineAdvertising 2005. I went to one of his Wireless Conferences in NYC years ago, and other than Gnomedex, it was easily one of the best that I have attended.

OnlineAdvertising 2005 seems pretty cool:
200+ attendees (nice and intimate like Gnomedex)
Invite only (like TED Global – which Ace says was outstanding this year)
In LA (a city I kinda like which has a bunch of my clients)

Seems pretty cool. Will be interesting if I make the cut.

Vote For Pedro!

Ok, Napoleon Dynamite wasnt the best movie I have ever seen, but I still love it.

This TShirt rocks.

“Pedro offers you his protection”.


Found this through my buddy Ace:

Why Fight?

What can fighting really prove? Using a complicated algorithm, AIM® Fight crawls through the depths of the Internet to answer the all-important question that plagues us all: How popular am I right this second?

How do I win?

Your score is the sum of the current number of people online who have you listed as a buddy, out to three degrees. This means the score is constantly changing, and the winner of the battle will constantly change with it.

This is a blast. FUll disclosure – AOL is a client.

Holy Crap – V for Vendetta trailer online

The trailer for V For Vendetta, the new Wachowski brothers film adaptation of Alan Moore’s comic (which is insanely great, btw) is up and it is here:

The trailer looks great. On a side note, Alan Moore has completely distanced himself from the movie, to the point where he broke up with his publisher DC Comics over the misstatements and problems with the script. Check out this.

Book Review – Darknet by JD Lasica

Darknet : Hollywood’s War Against the Digital Generation
JD Lasica

First heard of this book at Gnomedex2005. While there I watched JD speak on a panel about tomorrow’s media and talk about participatory culture, user generated content and how the smarts are with the audience, not with the people on the stage. He is so passionate about the subject, and was having such a great time talking about the personal media revolution that I picked up a copy of his book that night.

The only problem with this book, like a roller coaster when you are a kid, is that it ended too soon. 267 pages of fun, and interesting people and WTF? moments of corporate and legislative stupidity. JD isn’t pro-piracy. JD isn’t pro-RIAA/MPAA/MS. He lays out an excellent argument for why we need more moderation and common sense and why it is more important that we the people and our legislators have an understanding of historical record behind innovation and copyright and culture.

Lasica tells a cautionary tale about what might happen if we let the regulators (business, MSM, govt agencies) have their way without our say. They want control over their content, and more importantly, their sources of revenue.

He balances that with a strong warning to the big players: there are more pirates than there are lawyers, and they are fighting back against the limitations. Without being silly or sci fi, he takes the reader through a short tour of the darknets, giving the reader a peek into the people and motivation inside.

This book touches on copyright, free culture, software, file sharing, business, Hollywood, professionals and amateurs. Lasica’s writing style is fast and clean and very direct. It is a fun and fast read with a great set of footnotes at the end the user can follow up on.

Get the book here
Check out JD Lasica’s site
Check out OurMedia at


Turns out Son Volt wasn’t sold out for Tues night’s show (thanks technorati and BrooklynVegan.

Looks like I am going to go to Dave Winer’s meetup in the city (NYC of course) on Tuesday before the show. This is gonna be fun. A long day of work, a cool discussion about outliners, and then a live show with one of my favorite bands.

Tuesday is gonna be buuuuussy.